英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 21:41:16


英 ['ri:skrɪpt]

美 [ˈriˌskrɪpt]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 法令,政令,敕令,诏书,官方的命令
  • 重写的东西,重写本,抄件
  • 布告
  • 敕答书
  • 【律】副本
  • 书面答复
  • 【罗马史】皇帝的书面答复
  • 【宗】教皇对有关教规的问题做出的决定


1. something that has been written again

e.g. the rewrite was much better

Synonym: rewriterevision

2. the act of rewriting something

Synonym: revisionrevisalrevise

3. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)

e.g. a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there

Synonym: decreeedictfiatorder

4. a reply by a Pope to an inquiry concerning a point of law or morality

1. rescript的反义词

1. 副本:rescissory 废除的 | rescript 副本 | rescuable 可营救的

2. 公告,法令:rescind 废除,取消 | rescript 公告,法令 | resemblance 相似,相似性

3. 重写:rescreener 再筛分用筛 | rescript 重写 | rescript 诏书

4. 敕答书:rescript 诏书 | rescript 敕答书 | rescue 营救

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

His Majesty the Emperor has issued an Imperial rescript regarding Japan's acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration.(天皇陛下已经发出诏书,表示日本同意接受《波茨坦公告》条款。)
With its heavy emphasis on morality and nationalism, the new legislation bears some resemblance to the Imperial Rescript on Education of 1890.(新通过的法案因其对道德以及民族主义的浓墨渲染,它和1890年为教育制定的“帝国诏书”(ImperialRescript)有几分相象。)
Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicate rescript.(如同丧家之犬的溥仪也随之神情沮丧地宣读了退位主诏书。)
The same indulgences were made applicable to the souls in Purgatory by a rescript of January 10, 1854.(年1月10日文告内又宣布身处炼狱之灵魂亦可因之得全大赦。)
rescript是什么意思 rescript在线翻译 rescript什么意思 rescript的意思 rescript的翻译 rescript的解释 rescript的发音 rescript的同义词