英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:39:27


英 [rɪˈtaɪərɪŋ]

美 [rɪˈtaɪrɪŋ]


副词: retiringly 名词: retiringness

  • 英英释义

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1. reluctant to draw attention to yourself

Synonym: reticentself-effacing

2. not arrogant or presuming

e.g. unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work
a shy retiring girl

Synonym: unassuming

1. 不爱交际的;害羞的;孤僻的;离群索居的
Someone who is retiring is shy and avoids meeting other people.


e.g. I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop.

2. see also: retire

1. 怯生的:工作取向的task-oriented | 怯生的retiring | 直率的forthright


2. 退休的:retiring room 休息室 | retiring 退休的 | retold 复述

3. 窈窕淑女:在河之洲. On the islet in the river . | 窈窕淑女,The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- | 君子好逑. For our prince a good mate she .

4. 退缩的:retirementpaypensionsuperannuation 退休金 | retiring 退缩的 | retool 将工作机械重新整备

  • 经典引文

  • The retiring mayor of the town.

    出自:C. Gross
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He is watching for an opportunity of retiring quietly.(他在瞅空悄悄离开。)
Mike: So, why are you retiring?(迈克:那你为什么要退休呢?)
Larry said he had no regrets about retiring.(拉里曾说他对于退休没有任何遗憾。)
Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.(是的,即使是在现在这种经济状况下,人们也会退休。)
The company's official retiring age is 65.(公司正式的退休年龄为65岁。)
Just because you're retiring it doesn't make you a hermit.(退休不会使你成为一个隐士。)
He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.(他虽然已到退休年龄,但仍大权在握。)
Five workers are retiring this year.(五名工人将于今年退休。)
Avoid eating sugar or food that contain sugar before retiring.(在睡觉前避免吃糖或含糖食品。)
The idea of retiring to the south of France is highly seductive.(退休后到法国南方去,这个主意令人心驰神往。)
retiring是什么意思 retiring在线翻译 retiring什么意思 retiring的意思 retiring的翻译 retiring的解释 retiring的发音 retiring的同义词