英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 22:20:08



英 [ˌri:ˈvaɪtəlaɪz]

美 [riˈvaɪtl:ˌaɪz]


名词: revitalization 过去式: revitalized 过去分词: revitalized 现在分词: revitalizing 第三人称单数: revitalizes

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  • (使)复活
  • (使)复兴
  • 使恢复生气
  • 使新生
  • 振兴
  • 重新活跃
  • 换新
  • 使具有新的活力
  • 使更强壮
  • 使苏醒


1. restore strength

e.g. This food revitalized the patient

Synonym: regenerate

2. give new life or vigor to

Synonym: revitalise

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 revitalise

1. 使新生;使复兴;使恢复活力(或健康)
To revitalize something that has lost its activity or its health means to make it active or healthy again.

e.g. This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.
e.g. ...the revitalized Democratic Party.

1. revitalize的意思

1. 复兴:让我们复兴(revitalize)我们自治的遗产以创造一个双赢的、大家都朝前进(comes out ahead)世界吧! [ 4 ] -- Carole Ann Rand2.放任自由主义者是自由的(liberal)还是保守的(conservative)?你有一个比仅仅选择左派或右派更好的选择.

2. 使新生,使恢复原气:pontiff主教,教皇,大祭司 | revitalize使新生,使恢复原气 | treatise论文,论述

Realign, revitalize and regenerate all aspects of the physical and Subtle-Energy Body Systems.(重新排列身体和微能量体系统,使其各个方面恢复新的活力。)
Meditation is the best way to release tension and revitalize your being.(冥想是缓解紧张,使你恢复活力的最好办法。)
Spending just 20 minutes a day on a park bench or in your own yard can revitalize your spirits.(每天花20分钟在公园长椅上或者你自己的花园里能够让你精力恢复。)
That's all changing now, though, as developers are moving in to revitalize the beachfront area in New York's Brooklyn.(不过现在都已经改变了,因为开发商进驻要让这个在纽约布鲁克林的海滨区恢复生气。)
It's all part of a program to revitalize Detroit schools.(这是使底特律学校复兴的项目的一部分。)
Former EBAY (EBAY) CEO Meg Whitman is pushing three ways to revitalize California: create jobs, cut spending, and fix education.(前易趣总裁MegWhitman通过推动三条措施来重振加州:创造就业机会、削减各种开支、调整教育系统。)
He's talking about a place where a decision was made to renew and to revitalize, as part of the transformation of the entire Rouge facility.(他所说的这个厂需要翻新和重整,它也是整个红河工厂翻新的一部分。)
Private courier companies, which have more dollars to spend, use their expertise in logistics to help revitalize damaged areas after a disaster.(私人快递公司有更多的钱可以花,他们利用自己在物流方面的专长来帮助灾后受损地区恢复生机。)
The new plan tried to revitalize a flagging economy.(新计划试图给正在衰退的经济以新生。)
Revitalize the global economy.(振兴全球经济。)
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