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更新时间:2024-06-03 22:34:03



英 [ˈsænətri]

美 [ˈsænəteri]


副词: sanitarily

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  • 卫生(上)的
  • 清洁的
  • 公共卫生的
  • 环境卫生的
  • 保健的
  • 关于卫生的,卫生方面的



1. free from filth and pathogens

e.g. sanitary conditions for preparing food
a sanitary washroom

Synonym: healthful

1. (有关)卫生的,环境卫生的,公共卫生的
Sanitary means concerned with keeping things clean and healthy, especially by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply.

e.g. Sanitary conditions are appalling...
e.g. The vast majority live in tin shacks without electricity, clean water or sanitary facilities.

2. (地方)卫生的,干净的
If you say that a place is not sanitary, you mean that it is not very clean.


e.g. It's not the most sanitary place one could swim.

1. 卫生的:sanitarian 公共卫生学家 | sanitary 卫生的 | sanitary inspection 卫生检查

2. 卫生的,清洁的:sanitary 卫生的,清洁的 | saturate 使...充满 | scarcity 缺乏,不足,萧条


3. 有关卫士的:sanitation卫生,卫生设施n | sanitary有关卫士的,a | sanitary napkin卫生巾

4. 卫生袋:Toothpaste 牙膏 | Sanitary 卫生袋 | Towel rail 毛巾架

  • 经典引文

  • Sanitary conditions deteriorated and outbreaks of infectious diseases became more and more common.

    出自:Social History of Medicine
Diarrhoea can be prevented with exclusive breastfeeding and good hygiene and sanitary practices.(纯母乳喂养、良好的个人卫生和环境卫生习惯能预防腹泻。)
Mr Correa himself admitted last month that Ecuador’s sanitary regulations were substandard.(科雷亚先生他自己承认上个月厄瓜多尔的卫生法规不和标准。)
Sanitary conditions are appalling.(卫生条件非常恶劣。)
They have been asked to greet each other with more sanitary contact, like fist pounding, or chest bumps.(球员和教练都被要求通过更卫生的方式来表示祝贺,像相互碰拳,或者顶顶胸脯。)
Aid agencies say sanitary and sleeping conditions have become appalling.(救援机构表示,那里的卫生和睡眠条件令人震惊。)
Very poor sanitary conditions and a lack of drinking water have been reported in these areas.(在这些地区已报告非常恶劣的卫生条件和缺乏饮用水。)
Use a sanitary wipe if the store provides them.(如果超市提供清洁擦,记得把它们擦一下。)
The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities.(这间茅屋里没有厨具和卫生设施。)
Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.(我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。)
Don't bring them in with soda still inside-it's not sanitary, and it's disgusting.(不要在带回它们来的时候里面还残留着苏打水,这不卫生,而且让人厌恶。)
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