英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:57:18


英 [ˈsætɪni]

美 [ˈsætni]


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1. having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light

e.g. glossy auburn hair
satiny gardenia petals
sleek black fur
silken eyelashes
silky skin
a silklike fabric
slick seals and otters

Synonym: sleeksilkensilkysilklikeslick


1. 光滑的:satinwood 缎木 | satiny 光滑的 | satire 讽刺

2. 仿真丝缎纹织物:satinwood finish 半光漆 | satiny 仿真丝缎纹织物 | satranji 萨特伦季地毯

3. 缎子似的:缎子satindamask | 缎子似的satiny | 堆apileamassheapstackpileupheapuppilehillockcaboodlelots

4. 有缎子般光泽的:satinwood 缎木木材 | satiny 有缎子般光泽的 | satiny 缎子似的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

When it came time to pluck those first spring lettuces, soft, sweet and delicate like a baby's satiny cheek, I was distraught.(当是采拔第一批春莴苣的时候,看到它们柔软、香甜且细腻的像婴儿光滑的脸颊一样,我悲痛欲绝。)
Over the shoulder: This pink satiny knapsack goes seamlessly from day into evening.(肩头挎包:图中面料光滑的粉色背包,可以平缓过渡白天到黑夜光线的不同。)
They were pink. And satiny. And you know what?(粉色的,还是绸子的,你知道吗?)
Its satiny smoothness reminded me of asparagus hollandaise, reinterpreted in a brand-new way.(它的香滑使我想到了一种新的方法来诠释芦笋蛋黄奶油酸辣酱。)
It has a smooth, satiny texture and is labeled according to its butterfat content.(它有一个平稳,光滑的纹理,并根据其标示乳脂含量。)
The satiny sandalwood scent came from the splendid sofa.(光滑的檀香森林木所做的沙发付出阵阵香味。)
With satiny creamy face, silk luster and good third dimension, it is the finest fabrics for making bedding articles.(布面细腻,有丝绸光泽,立体感强,是制作床上用品的优良面料。)
Be a satiny supple doll.(柔软的娃娃。)
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