英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 22:35:10


英 [ˌsætɪs'fæktərəlɪ]

美 [ˌsætɪsˈfæktərɪlɪ]


比较级:more satisfactorily最高级:most satisfactorily

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1. in a satisfactory manner

1. 满意地:sand casting 砂型铸造 | satisfactorily 满意地 | saw 锯子

2. 令人满意的:The result of the experiment was satisfactory. 试验结果令人满意. | satisfactorily 令人满意的 | The soup tastes satisfactorily good. 汤的味道真好,令人满意.

3. 满足地:sand casting 砂型铸造 | satisfactorily 满足地 | saw 锯子

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Although these devices performed satisfactorily around the Mediterranean, they could not always be depended on in the cloudy and often freezing weather of northern Europe.(尽管这些装置在地中海周围运行良好,但在北欧多云且经常寒冷的天气里,它们并不总是能派上用场。)
Estate taxes score well on the first two, less satisfactorily on the third.(不动产税的前两个特性都很好,而在第三个上面就表现的不太令人满意。)
If the future of Kosovo is settled satisfactorily later this year, the prospects for Albania should brighten.(如果科索沃问题能够在今年晚些时候圆满解决,阿尔巴尼亚的发展前途仍然是光明的。)
Wu said that with efforts made by all parties concerned, the Fourth round of Six-Party Talks rounded up satisfactorily.(他在闭幕辞中表示,经过各方共同努力,第四轮六方会谈的任务已经圆满完成。)
Suppose you're responsible for a word processor application. To install it satisfactorily, you need to.(假设您负责的是一个文字处理器应用程序。)
Everything is satisfactorily arranged on a sound basis.(妥贴稳当。)
If our results are correct, clearly we shall need new physical theories to satisfactorily describe them.(如果我们的结论是正确的,那么很明显我们需要新的物理理论来很好的描述总结我们的结论。)
Although we have not heard from you for quite some time, we hope your business is progressing satisfactorily.(虽然好久没接到你方来信,谅业务进展顺利。)
She patted away the ashes on hands and looked at the walls with loads of stuff on them satisfactorily, saying, "Yes!"(她拍拍手上的灰,满意地看着挂满东西的墙说:“不,这是老天给我幸福的机会。”)
The film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded.(这部电影的结尾皆大欢喜:邪恶受到惩治,美德得到回报。)
satisfactorily是什么意思 satisfactorily在线翻译 satisfactorily什么意思 satisfactorily的意思 satisfactorily的翻译 satisfactorily的解释 satisfactorily的发音 satisfactorily的同义词