英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 22:45:09



英 [ˈsi:krətɪv]

美 [ˈsikrɪtɪv, sɪˈkritɪv]


副词: secretively 名词: secretiveness

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1. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information

e.g. although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it

Synonym: closecloselippedclosemouthedtightlipped

1. 深藏不露的;讳莫如深的
If you are secretive, you like to have secrets and to keep your knowledge, feelings, or intentions hidden.

e.g. Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
e.g. ...the secretive world of spying.

...a banknote handed over secretively in the entrance to a building.
He was evasive, to the point of secretiveness.

1. 保密的;分泌的:secretion 分泌;空隙充填 | secretive 保密的;分泌的 | SECT line 趋肤效应伴热管线


2. 隐隐藏藏的:secretive 隐隐藏藏的 | meddlesome 爱管闲事的 | hypocrisy 伪善

3. (促进)分泌的:secretion分泌(作用分泌物 | secretive(促进)分泌的 | secretogogue促分泌素

  • 经典引文

  • O'er his dark face..flitted A secretive smile.

    出自:Alexander Smith
  • So secretive that his friends..knew nothing about his private life.

    出自:K. Clark
Apple, for instance, is known to be very secretive about its plans.(以苹果为例,该公司对它的计划十分保密。)
But China's secretive budgeting system makes it impossible to verify these figures.(但中国的保守预算体制使得这些数据难以证实。)
This year, it is hard to say, because both parties are so secretive.(今年,由于两党都是如此行事诡秘,情况就很难说了。)
Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.(花了一生的时间狂热地追求出名之后,保罗突然变得遮遮掩掩起来了。)
Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.(亿万富翁们通常对有关他们身价的确切数字讳莫如深。)
But what's happening inside the secretive, isolated state is no light-hearted matter.(但是在这个秘密、孤立的国家内发生的一切绝不是令人轻松面对的事情。)
Oh you secretive ironist, was that perhaps your—irony?(哦你这个藏着掖着的讽刺家,那也许是你的——讽刺?)
Cheeky grins or secretive smiles - call them what you will.(大胆的笑或者神秘的笑——你可以随便定义任何你想象到的样子。)
Newton, however, was a very secretive man.(但是,牛顿是个喜欢神秘的人。)
Everybody is being secretive: there's something cooking.(每个人都鬼鬼祟祟的,一定出了什么事情。)
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