英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:27:44


英 [ˈsaɪtɪŋ]

美 [ˈsaɪtɪŋ]



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1. the act of observing

e.g. several sightings of enemy troops were reported

1. 瞄准:side-well neutron logger 井壁中子测井仪 | sighting 瞄准 | sighting device 粗瞄准器

2. sighting

2. 视线:sight glass 窥视镜 | sighting 视线 | sign 符号

3. sighting

3. 照准:sight line 视准线 | sighting 照准 | sighting device 照准装置

4. sighting是什么意思

4. 检验;观测:sighting vane 瞄准器 | sighting 检验;观测 | sightseeing launch 游览艇

They reported sighting the plane.(他们报道看见了那架飞机。)
When is the first sighting of the crescent moon if you're on Mars?(如果在火星上什么时候才算第一次看到新月?)
UFO experts have been clambering to verify the sighting and are hoping to speak to more witnesses and views of the eerie episode.(UFO专家已在核实这一目击事件,并希望与更多的目击者进行交谈。)
This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.(这次亲眼所见发生在我向撒丁岛外一艘沉船潜水的期间。)
In April, Waring posted another sighting - but this time it was a mythical creature.(四月,韦林又发布了另一发现——但这次是一个神秘的生物。)
However, he says that the atmospheric haze is making it impossible to get a clear sighting.(但是,他说由于大气中的薄雾,更为清晰的观察是不可能的。)
There was a recent sighting of the rare Bechstein bat and endangered great crested newts are flourishing in the ponds.(最近,已见到有稀有的贝茨坦斯蝙蝠和濒危的大冠蝾螈在池塘中繁衍生长。)
And then, just as daylight was fading, we had our sighting of Fuji-san.(然后,正当日光渐暗时分,我们看见了富士山。)
The last confirmed sighting of a wild emperor in New Zealand was in 1967 at the southern Oreti beach, he said.(他说,上次在新西兰看到野生的帝王企鹅还要追溯到1967年,那是在南部的奥雷蒂(Oreti)沙滩。)
The first sighting took place a few months ago in South Carolina.(第一次目击事件发生在几个月前的南卡罗来纳州。)
sighting是什么意思 sighting在线翻译 sighting什么意思 sighting的意思 sighting的翻译 sighting的解释 sighting的发音 sighting的同义词