英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:05:12



英 [ˈsɪmiən]

美 [ˈsɪmiən]



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  • 类人猿的
  • 猴的
  • 猿的
  • 猴子一般的
  • 类人猿
  • 猴子


1. an ape or monkey


1. relating to or resembling an ape

e.g. simian features

1. 像猿猴的;长得像猿猴似的
If someone has a simian face, they look rather like a monkey.


e.g. Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.

2. 猴的;类人猿的
Simian is used to describe things relating to monkeys or apes.


e.g. ...a simian virus.

1. 猿:P.皮门特尔(Pimentel)编写<Simian)病毒40、人鼻病-受体复合物,

2. 类人猿:P.皮门特尔(Pimentel)编写<Simian)病毒40、人鼻病-受体复合物,

3. simian

3. 猴子:simian 猴子 | variation 变异 | condom 避孕套

  • 经典引文

  • Her face almost simian with its wide mouth and flat thick nostrils.

    出自:Betty Smith
  • I am almost on all fours..and this simian stance shifts the weight forward.

    出自:P. Matthiessen
Cute chopsticks for kids feature little simian hands on the tips.(超萌的儿童筷子,筷子上头还有可爱的猴子形象。)
The results showed that ketotifen is a new chemical structure type and effective anti-simian-malaria drug, and the observation of its antimalarial effect against human malaria is undertaking.(本研究结果证明,酮替芬是具有抗疟作用的新型化合物,但其对人类疟疾的抗疟作用尚待研究证实。)
The evergreen broad-leaved forest on the Simian Mountain in Jianjin County, Sichuan Province, is one of the most important areas of evergreen broad-leaved forests in Sichuan Province.(江津县四面山的常绿阔叶林,是我省常绿阔叶林最重要的一部分。)
H.I.V. evolved about a century ago from a chimpanzee virus known as simian immunodeficiency virus, or S.I.V..(例如,HIV是在100年前从猴免疫缺陷病毒,或叫SIV的黑猩猩病毒演化而来。)
Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.(埃达有张布满皱纹、猿猴似的脸。)
The simian he was chasing seems to have arrived long before, and is revered there as a planetary forefather.(他追逐的那只人猿似乎已久居该处,摇身一变,竟成了星球的开朝元老。)
The primate version of the virus that causes AIDS is called simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), but most apes and monkeys that are infected with it show no symptoms of illness.(艾滋病病毒的灵长类动物版本被称为猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),但大多数感染此病毒的猿猴并没有显示任何疾病症状。)
Or perhaps it's a prequel to the prequel?At the film's climax there was clearly still more "evolution is revolution" to come from 20th Century Fox's simian uprising franchise.(这部来自二十世纪福克斯电影公司的佳作描述了猿族的反叛经历,“进化即变革”依然是这部电影的核心理念。)
Routine genetic sequencing of the virus showed it looked like no other sample of AIDS virus and it was eventually compared to a gorilla simian immunodeficiency virus, itself only discovered in 2006.(病毒常规基因序列表明与其它艾滋病病毒样本看上去不一样并且它最终与仅在2006年发现的一大猩猩猿免疫缺陷病毒比对。)
Most research has foucus on simian animals and found them to be highly adept in social learning, tool use, and other essentials of human-like culture.(大多数研究都集中在类人猿身上,发现它们在社会学习、使用工具和其他类人文化的要素方面非常熟练。)
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