英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 22:39:32



英 [sɪn'serətɪ]

美 [sɪnˈsɛrɪti]


  • 网络解释

1. (诚恳):绝不要逞一时口舌之快而得罪顾客 3.4.2做事先做人的OCP法则 推销的内容包括自己(oneself)、观念(conception)、产品(product) 先推销自己,再推销观念,最后推销产品 3.4.3第一印象的5S法则 微笑(smile) 迅速(speed) 诚恳(sincerity) 灵巧(smart


2. 诚意:而博客的繁衍,使得信息容易获得且比较透明,互联网成为是放大口碑的平台. 包亦农表示信息在博客上流传很快,它是一个非常有力的沟通工具. 满意( satisfaction) , 服务微笑服务待客( SERVICE), 速度( speed) , 诚意( sincerity)

I was impressed by her sincerity so deeply at that time that I decided to make friends with her.(那时我被她的真诚深深打动了,我决定要和她做朋友。)
I have no reason to doubt Apple's sincerity here.(在此,我没有理由怀疑苹果的真诚。)
China is now reaching out to help Africa with all its sincerity.(中国对此正真心地向非洲伸出援助之手。)
I was impressed with his deep sincerity.(让我铭记在心的是他深切的诚意。)
She spoke with total sincerity.(她讲的是由衷之言。)
I am really showing my best sincerity.(真的,我已经非常有诚意了。)
His sincerity is undoubted.(他的诚意是无容置疑的。)
In all sincerity, the book is terrific.(我想极其真诚地说一句,这本书简直太棒了。)
Every word and gesture is expressive of the artist's sincerity.(这位艺术家的真诚从一言一行中表现出来。)
Cheerful or fearful—you make the decision. But remember God tests the sincerity of your love by how generous you are in life.(开心或是害怕——你得做出选择。但是请记住,上帝通过你生活的慷慨程度来检验你的爱的诚意。)
sincerity是什么意思 sincerity在线翻译 sincerity什么意思 sincerity的意思 sincerity的翻译 sincerity的解释 sincerity的发音 sincerity的同义词