英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 22:28:24



英 [ˈsɪnju:]

美 [ˈsɪnju]



过去式: sinewed 过去分词: sinewed 现在分词: sinewing 第三人称单数: sinews

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1. possessing muscular strength

Synonym: brawnbrawninessmusclemuscularityheftiness

2. a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment

Synonym: tendon

1. 肌腱;筋
A sinew is a cord in your body that connects a muscle to a bone.

e.g. ...the sinews of the neck.

1. 腱:skeleton 骨骼 | sinew 腱 | muscle 肌肉

2. 蹄筋:蹄筋sinew | 软骨gristle | 牛肉beef roast

3. sinew在线翻译

3. 腱子;力量:sincerity 真挚 | sinew 腱子;力量 | sing 歌唱

4. sinew是什么意思

4. 加强:new 新的 | sinew 加强 | (2) 改变词中字母倍增Vocabulary

  • 经典引文

  • Gives sinews to an inference, and makes it just.

    出自:W. Wollaston
  • The political sinew to keep the Opposition off-balance.

The mechanism of increase in density of the sinew of was discussed.(文中还讨论了提高碳化钛骨架筋的致密度的机理。)
The early humans used bone needles and sinew to sew clothes of skin and fur.(原始人用骨针和筋绳缝制兽皮衣服。)
In addition, I bound the handle and ear areas some more to hold down the sinew.(我额外地绑扎把手和耳的地方固定筋腱。)
Though his voice showed no strain, he could be seen rising on the balls of his feet in recital, using every sinew and nerve to produce the sound.(虽然他的声音并未显得紧张,但是能看到他在演唱会上risingontheballsofhisfeet,用尽体力和精力去唱出声音。)
Conclusion:The "electric shock jump" is the feasible way of establishing the rat and the animals models of sinew enthesiopathy.(骨髓内有大量造血母细胞增生等适应性变化。结论:“电击跳跃法”是建立大鼠跟腱末端病动物模型可行的方法。)
Exxon strained every sinew to preserve gorillas' habitat and compensate displaced villagers. Yet NGOs still mounted a furious campaign condemning it.(埃克森已尽其所能地保护大猩猩的栖息地以及补偿迁走的居民,但NGO依然发起激烈的行动来谴责它。)
He was tall and lean, all bone and sinew, and he looked fit.(他又高又瘦,满身骨头和肌肉,看上去很健壮。)
Prayer is the slender sinew that moves the muscle of omnipotence.(祷告是细长的肌腱可以牵动无所不能者的肌肉。)
Next, the sinew is laboriously prepared, providing strands of ideal length to cover the back of the bow.(其次,腱子是艰苦准备,提供理想的长链,以支付背面的弓。)
Sinew demands heart room vacancy, the skill middle tricuspid valve being cut off, the tricuspid valve still has few - middle amounts after mending returning to a stream.(心脏室缺,术中三尖瓣腱索被切断,修补后三尖瓣还有少-中量返流。)
sinew是什么意思 sinew在线翻译 sinew什么意思 sinew的意思 sinew的翻译 sinew的解释 sinew的发音 sinew的同义词