英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:08:03


英 ['sɪzlə]

美 ['sɪzlə]


  • 网络解释

1. 炎热天:sizzle 嘶嘶作声 | sizzler 炎热天 | sjambok 粗皮鞭


2. 跳舞公主:Scooters-碰碰车 | Sizzler-跳舞公主 | Safari Jeeps-越野车

3. 沙拉吧:Sizzler up here a little ways.|前面有一个沙拉吧 | Sizzler?|沙拉吧? | Look, Bob, if this is going to be my last meal,|我说 鲍勃 既然这是我的最后一顿饭

  • 临近词

China and India already have Sizzlers and countries that have indicated interest in, or bought, the Sizzler or versions of it include Algeria, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam.(中国和印度已经拥有“炙热”导弹,公开表示有兴趣购买“炙热”或类似反舰导弹的国家还有阿尔及利亚、叙利亚、阿拉伯联合酋长国和越南等。)
So where we going, House of pancakes or The Sizzler?(我们去哪吃饭,薄饼屋还是时时乐自助?)
We at Sizzler are committed to providing safe and quality food.(我们时时乐承诺向大众提供安全优质食品。)
Most people like our beef sizzler.(我们的铁板牛肉很受欢迎。)
Vet: Well, we've done a stool check on Sizzler and I'm afraid he's got worms.(兽医:我们验过西斯勒的粪便了,牠肚子里有寄生虫呢。)
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