英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:33:12



英 [ˈskju:ə(r)]

美 [ˈskjuɚ]



过去式: skewered 过去分词: skewered 现在分词: skewering 第三人称单数: skewers

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1. a long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted


1. drive a skewer through

e.g. skewer the meat for the BBQ

Synonym: spit

1. 串肉扦;扦子
A skewer is a long metal pin which is used to hold pieces of food together during cooking.

2. 用扦子串住;将…叉住
If you skewer something, you push a long, thin, pointed object through it.

e.g. He skewered his victim through the neck.
e.g. ...skewered beef with vegetables.

1. 串烧:二是大玩fusion,如印度式牛肉串烧(skewer),这里用上安格斯西冷,铺上Rosemary、贪草等西式香草腌制后,再以传统印度炭炉烧制,肉身带浓浓香草及炭香. 主厨及店主均为尼泊尔人,主厨Khatri Bhim Bahadur曾於印度、澳洲等五星级酒店工作,

2. 串肉扦:skewbald 花斑的 | skewer 串肉扦 | ski boot 滑雪靴

3. 标杆:skew angle 倾斜角 | skewer 标杆 | skin temperature 表层温度

4. skewer的翻译

4. 烤:rare 三分熟 | skewer 烤 | knead 揉

  • 经典引文

  • Bent nails upon which we skewered crickets.

    出自:W. Styron
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Uh, first he survives being "finished" in a cruel Aztec tournament, then he kills every one of the raiders who give chase in the jungle - even setting up skewer-happy booby traps.(这个嘛,首先,他在残酷的阿兹·特克比武大赛中逃过一劫,之后他把在丛林中追踪他的突袭者一个个都干掉—他还设计了个猎兽陷坑,让这些袭击者一旦掉进去就像烤肉串一样。)
Skewer of lobster grilled on a plancha, topped with fennel, coral of sea urchin and caviar.(香烤龙虾串,玉米面糊配海胆,茴香和鱼子酱。)
You can also barbecue them, with or without a skewer in the middle.(你也可以进行烧烤,将肉丸串成串也是不错的选择。)
On a plate, combine the mint, cocoa, cinnamon and salt. Coat each skewer of lamb by pressing entire surface of lamb into the cocoa-mint mixture until fully coated.(放在一个盘子上,结合薄荷、可可粉、肉桂和盐,涂每个羊羔竹串棒按压整个羊羔肉让可可薄荷混合直到全部被包裹。)
Dishes like shawarma, roast leg of lamb, and fasulia are all excellent examples of Middle Eastern food not made on a skewer.(像烤羊腿就是极好的例子,它足以证明中东的食物不是由串肉扦串成的。)
The authors skewer a few pieces of lazily received wisdom.(两位作者把一些随处可见的智慧穿针引线。)
They are carved from hardwood and a hot metal skewer is used to burn in the decorations.(它们由硬木板雕刻而成,在装饰物中有一个用于燃烧的热的肉叉。)
Please inquire us what kind of product and also type of skewer you need to handle. We will support you intensively.(请查询我们什么样的产品,你需要处理的串。我们会支持你的深入。)
Sold by the stick, the dessert-to-go tastes great and looks greater — bright red haws line up on a skewer in auspicious shapes, their sugary outer layers glimmering in the light.(糖葫芦是论串卖的。这种甜食看上去比吃起来还要更美味,亮红色的山楂果串成一串,看上去就喜庆,外面包裹的糖衣在日光下闪闪发光。)
Marinated cubes of chicken threaded on a skewer.(切割成块的串烤鸡腿肉,香嫩至极。)
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