英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:08:43



英 [skɪf]

美 [skɪf]



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  • 小艇
  • 小型帆船
  • 轻舟
  • 摩托小快艇
  • 小划艇
  • 轻游艇
  • 轻触


1. any of various small boats propelled by oars or by sails or by a motor

1. (常指单人的)小艇,小船
A skiff is a small light rowing boat or sailing boat, which usually has room for only one person.

1. 小艇:ship船 | skiff小艇 | sloop单桅船


2. 单人艇, 轻型游艇:Sink 下沉 | Skiff 单人艇, 轻型游艇 | Slide Runner 滑轨

3. skiff的翻译

3. 平底浅吃小艇:间越顺序焊接 skip welding | 平底浅吃小艇 skiff | 有缝管用板条 skelp

4. 小船:skier 滑雪者 | skiff 小船 | skiffle 噪音爵士乐

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Huck, I'll take you right to it in a skiff.(哈克,我马上带你划小船过去。)
Free as a skiff before the dancing wind.(在迅疾的风中,自由如一叶扁舟。)
He settled the sack around his shoulders and put the skiff on her course.(他把麻袋在肩头围围好,使小船顺着航线驶去。)
We have cut them down to a skiff now .(我们搞得他们只剩一条小艇了。)
Fortuna escaped the destruction of the sail barge in a small private skiff.(风帆游船被毁时,福图纳在私人小艇里逃过一劫。)
But he cannot pull this skiff forever, no matter how great he is.(然而不管它力气多大,总不能永远拖着这条小船跑吧。)
Skiff Miller's abstraction disappeared. The pretty woman before him passed out of his field of vision.(马奇对斯基夫米勒的吸引力消失了,眼前这个漂亮的女人一下子走出了他的视野。)
They were headed straight for the skiff swimming side by side.(它们笔直地并肩朝小船游来。)
All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff.(当他划进小港,让小船冲上沙滩时,岸上的灯火都已灭了。)
First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.(首先我们看这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人”,在这个明喻中,导航人从诗句之外向内眺望。)
skiff是什么意思 skiff在线翻译 skiff什么意思 skiff的意思 skiff的翻译 skiff的解释 skiff的发音 skiff的同义词