英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:37:12



英 [ˈslɪpɪdʒ]

美 [ˈslɪpɪdʒ]



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1. failing to hold or slipping out of place

e.g. the knots allowed no slippage

2. a decrease of transmitted power in a mechanical system caused by slipping

3. decline from a standard level of performance or achievement

1. 下降;下跌
Slippage is a failure to maintain a steady position or rate of progress, so that a particular target or standard is not achieved.

e.g. ...a substantial slippage in the value of sterling...
e.g. We want to stop the slippage of the quality of public services.

1. 滑移:你原以为预留100美元作为成交价滑移(Slippage)和佣金太高了,而你现在才明白这其实根本就不够. 你忘记了涨跌停板,40个点跳动一去不回,以及在市场最疯狂状态下的交易执行,等等......你本以为做测试用的数据是可行的,

2. 滑动:此外,在 DNA 复制时,由于在短的重复核苷酸序列发生的 DNA 链的滑动 (slippage) 而导致一小段 DNA 的插入或缺失也是产生自发突变的原因. 碱基偶尔会从核苷酸移出而留下一个称之为脱嘌呤 (apurinic) 或脱嘧啶 (apyrimidinic) 的缺口,


3. 打滑:slip-on tanker 移动式水罐灭火组件slippage 打滑 | slippery water 滑流水

  • 经典引文

  • Living standards could be eroded by a continued slippage of sterling.

  • There were signs of mental slippage.

    出自:M. Lee
Of the current squads out West, I see only the Hornets as clear candidates for slippage, while the Clippers and Warriors should be poised for big leaps.(现在西部的球队中,我只看了黄蜂队很清楚地可能退步,而快船队和勇士队应该准备好有巨大的飞跃了。)
When work rolls become worn the roughness is diminishing creating slippage in the roll bite at higher speeds.(工作辊磨损后,粗糙度递减导致在较高轧制速度下进料(咬入带卷)时产生滑移。)
The pressure can cause a slippage in a pre-existing fault line, aggravating the situation that can lead to an earthquake.(这种压力会导致已经存在的地质断层产生滑移,从而增大引发地震的可能。)
The gate of a crane should not have deformation, seam slippage or wielding off.(起重机构的门架不得有变形或脱缝脱焊现象。)
Warning signs - watch out for tests that change frequently, boomerangs, test slippage, just in case code and shotgun surgery.(频繁改动的测试、退回返工、测试延误、以防万一的代码以及霰弹式修改(即到处修改)。)
This can lead to device slippage (for instance, if vmnic1 becomes vmnic0).(这可能导致设备滑动(例如vmnic1变成vmnic0)。)
Obama's comments came on the same day a new poll showed slippage in his approval rating.(对奥巴马的批评声开始响起,同天的一项民意调查显示他的支持率有所下滑。)
This is another major cause of schedule slippage.(这是进度拖沓的另一个重要原因。)
Isn't the real story of Fashion Week image slippage?(时装周的这一真实的轶事不是象征著下跌吗?)
If a manager's charter is to ensure that a project delivers on all its scope, then a schedule slippage might not qualify as a failure.(如果一个管理人的特许权是确保项目能按照所有范围交付,那么进度的下降就不能作为失败。)
slippage是什么意思 slippage在线翻译 slippage什么意思 slippage的意思 slippage的翻译 slippage的解释 slippage的发音 slippage的同义词