英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:19:28



英 [səˈlɪsɪtəs]

美 [səˈlɪsɪtəs]


副词: solicitously 名词: solicitousness

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  • 挂念的
  • 热心的
  • 热切期望的
  • 关切的
  • 渴望的
  • 操心的
  • 关怀的
  • 热切要求...的
  • 渴望...的
  • 担心的
  • 惦记的
  • 非常关心的
  • 非常考究的
  • 留神的
  • 周到的
  • 细心的
  • 殷勤的



1. showing hovering attentiveness

e.g. solicitous about her health
made solicitous inquiries about our family

2. full of anxiety and concern

e.g. solicitous parents
solicitous about the future

1. 关怀的;关切的;挂念的
A person who is solicitous shows anxious concern for someone or something.

e.g. He was so solicitous of his guests.

He took her hand in greeting and asked solicitously how everything was.

1. 热心的:solicitor general 副司法部长 | solicitous 热心的 | solicitously 热心地

2. solicitous的解释

2. 热切期望的:Histrionic:戏剧性的 | Solicitous:热切期望的 | Sophisticate:复杂的


3. 热切的:solicit 请求 | solicitous热切的a | solidify使凝固v

4. 热切希望的:Disconcert 使为难,使惊慌~ed慌张的 | Solicitous 热切希望的 | Curmudgeonly 脾气坏的人~ly小气的

  • 经典引文

  • The service has been both quick and solicitous.

    出自:Washington Post
Fayed was solicitous, seeing him three or four times a week.(法耶德很关心他,每周要见他三四次。)
William seems particularly solicitous and engrossed in looking after his wife, focusing on what he's doing.(威廉看起来也显得特别殷勤,全神贯注地看着他的妻子,专注于自己正在做的事情。)
This is a time of life when a solicitous family does well to watch affectionately over the vagaries of its unattached relatives, particularly of those who are comfortably off J. P. Marquand.(这个时期的生活中,一个乐意帮忙的家庭总是充满爱意地观注着那些与它关系并不密切的亲戚们的古怪或狂妄的念头,特别是那些相当富足的家庭的怪念头(J·P·马昆德)。)
There will be times when you'll need a more solicitous tone and a more leisurely pace, especially when coaching an employee or listening carefully to a customer concern.(有时候,你需要运用更关切的语气和更悠闲的节奏,尤其当教导员工或认真聆听客户的抱怨时。)
So competition for patrons is fierce, and visitors here are frequently swarmed by solicitous drivers.(这里的游客们经常会被热切的车夫蜂拥包围。)
Knowing that the end was so near, she became rather solicitous.(她知道这一切即将结束,反倒变得很有些放心不下了。)
Our hero was very solicitous about his descendants.(们的主人公是非常关心他的子孙后代的。)
He was so solicitous of his guests.(他是如此挂念自己的客人们。)
Be nothing solicitous; but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God.(你们什么也不要挂虑,只在一切事上,以恳求和祈祷,怀着感谢之心,向天主呈上你们的请求;)
Britain's executives, it seems, are all too easily seduced by the smooth patter, tailored suits and solicitous manners of their brokers.(看上去,英国的高管们很容易被他们金融中介的油嘴滑舌,定制西服和关切的态度所打动。)
solicitous是什么意思 solicitous在线翻译 solicitous什么意思 solicitous的意思 solicitous的翻译 solicitous的解释 solicitous的发音 solicitous的同义词