英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:20:04



英 [səʊ'mætɪk]

美 [soˈmætɪk]


副词: somatically

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  • 身体的
  • 躯体的
  • 肉体的
  • 细胞体的
  • 体壁的
  • 躯干的
  • 【生、解】体的
  • 体细胞的
  • 体组织的
  • 体质的


1. affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

e.g. bodily needs
a corporal defect
corporeal suffering
a somatic symptom or somatic illness

Synonym: bodilycorporalcorporeal

1. 身体的:基本上,所有希腊雕像都是标准的面具,就像狄奥尼索斯剧场的演员;所有的一切都以极其严格的形式付诸于表达,不论是身体的(somatic)姿态还是位置. 从观相学上说,它们都是沉默无声的,是有形的,且必然地是裸体的--确定个体的性格头像只有到了希腊化时代才出现.

2. somatic

2. 躯体的:这样的培训方式是以学习者的行动为中心(Activity-centered)的,同时通过体力运动及多种感官来完成培训任务,如:躯体的(Somatic)、听觉的(Auditory)、视觉的(Visual)和智力的(Intellectual),即SAVI.

3. 体的:基本上,所有希腊雕像都是标准的面具,就像狄奥尼索斯剧场的演员;所有的一切都以极其严格的形式付诸于表达,不论是身体的(somatic)姿态还是位置. 从观相学上说,它们都是沉默无声的,是有形的,且必然地是裸体的--确定个体的性格头像只有到了希腊化时代才出现.

4. 肉体的:pragmatic 实用主义的 | somatic 肉体的 | fanatic 狂热者

The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo.(第三步是使用一个称为体细胞核移植过程形生一个胚胎。)
The sacral ventral spinal roots, one of which is used in this procedure as recipient, are also mixed nerves with somatic and autonomic outflow.(骶神经前根也是躯体神经和自主神经混合传出神经,其中一条在本手术中用作受体。)
Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism.(克隆是利用体细胞组织的一个确切的一个生物体的遗传复制的复制(或细胞)从供体生物。)
Somatic cell nuclear transfer-the transfer of a cell nucleus from a somatic cell into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed.(体细胞核转移-将体细胞中的细胞核转移到另一个已去除细胞核的卵细胞中。)
The injury of cryopreservation in animal somatic cells was presented.(综述了降温与复温对动物体细胞的损伤。)
When transected, the somatic motor innervation of this specific spinal root to its effector muscles remains interrupted.(切断后,该神经根至其肌肉效应器的躯体运动神经支配被中断了。)
Objective To declare the relationship between depression and somatic disease in elderly.(目的了解老年病例躯体疾病对抑郁症的影响。)
To balance on a bike we need somatic tacit knowledge, but to ride it in traffic we need collective tacit knowledge.(为了在自行车上取得平衡,我们需要躯体隐性知识,此外为了在车流中骑行,我们还需要集体隐性知识。)
Aberrant somatic hypermutation and deregulation of the oncogene BCL-6 are associated with lymphomagenesis.(异常的超变和异常的致癌基因BCL-6与淋巴瘤的发生具有相关性。)
There are essentially two forms of gene therapy , one of which is called somatic gene therapy .(基因治疗具两种主要的方式,一种称体基因治疗。)
somatic是什么意思 somatic在线翻译 somatic什么意思 somatic的意思 somatic的翻译 somatic的解释 somatic的发音 somatic的同义词