英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:48:15


英 [ˈsaʊndli]

美 [ˈsaʊndlɪ]


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1. completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly')

e.g. he was soundly defeated
we beat him good

Synonym: thoroughlygood

2. deeply or completely

e.g. slept soundly through the storm
the baby is sleeping soundly

1. 彻底地;完全地
If someone is soundly defeated or beaten, they are severely defeated or beaten.

e.g. Duke was soundly defeated in this month's Louisiana governor's race.

2. (决定、观点或陈述等)正确地,明智地,可靠地
If a decision, opinion, or statement is soundly based, there are sensible or reliable reasons behind it.

e.g. Are today's hopes more soundly based than the false ones of 1990?...
今天的希望是否比 1990 年那些虚幻的希望更靠谱呢?
e.g. Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.

3. 酣睡地;熟睡地
If you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and do not wake during your sleep.


e.g. How can he sleep soundly at night?...
e.g. She was too soundly asleep to hear Stefano's return.

1. 完全地:soundlessly 静悄悄地 | soundly 完全地 | soundness 稳固

2. 副词 甜美地:wonderful 形容词 极好的 | soundly 副词 甜美地 | art 名词 艺术

3. 健全地:soundless 静悄悄的 | soundly 健全地 | soundmark 音标

4. 完全地/健全地/坚牢地:soundless /无声的/完全静寂的/静悄悄的/ | soundly /完全地/健全地/坚牢地/ | soundmark /音标/

Sherman soundly defeated Hood in several engagements and occupied Atlanta early in September 1864.(不过几次交手谢尔曼就彻底打败胡德大军,并于1864年九月拿下亚特兰大。)
That night I slept soundly because I was sure that no burglar could get into our house.(那天晚上我睡得很香,因为我确信没有窃贼能进我们家。)
She then fell asleep and slept soundly.(然后她睡着了,睡得很香。)
Falling back into the fragrant hay, she soon slept peacefully and soundly still the bright morning came.(她又倒回芳香的干草中,很快就安然入睡,直到明媚的早晨到来。)
It was time now to go to bed, and Heidi slept soundly all night.(现在该睡觉了,小海蒂整晚都睡得很香。)
Needing just a point from their match at St. Helens, they were soundly beaten, going down by 35 points to 10.(在圣海伦斯比赛时只需要一分就能赢,然而他们却以10比35被彻底击败了。)
She is sleeping soundly.(她睡得正香。)
He slept soundly and sweetly all through the lovely night.(整个可爱的夜晚,他都睡得香甜。)
A few hours later, when Heidi was sleeping soundly, the old man climbed up the ladder.(几个小时后,当海蒂熟睡时,老人爬上了梯子。)
Changes must be soundly based in economic reality.(变革必须牢靠地建立在经济现实基础之上。)
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