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更新时间:2024-05-13 23:05:23



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比较级: squatter 最高级: squattest 名词: squatter 过去式: squatted 过去分词: squatted 现在分词: squatting 第三人称单数: squats

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  • 蹲踞,蹲,蹲坐
  • 蜷伏,蹲伏
  • 擅自占地,非法占据空屋,占住,霸占
  • 依法在政府公地上定居下来
  • 使蹲坐,使蹲下
  • 大便
  • 爬在地上
  • 偷住
  • 矮胖的,粗短的
  • 蹲着的,坐着的
  • 长得结实的
  • 低矮的,矮而宽的
  • 蹲著的
  • 蹲,蹲坐
  • 蹲坐的姿势,蹲伏的位置
  • 蜷伏
  • 擅自占用的土地,非法占据的空屋
  • 矮胖子
  • 偷住的房子
  • 什么也没有;极少量
  • vi. 蹲坐;蹲 (of people) sit on one's heels or on the ground with the knees drawn up under or close to the body;crouch
  • vi. 擅自占住(空屋) occupy an empty building or settle on unoccupied land,etc. without permission
  • 矮胖的;矮而宽的 short and thick;dumpy
  • [S] 蹲坐,蹲姿 a squatting position of the body
  • [C] 被擅自占用的建筑物 person who occupies a building or land without permission


1. the act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels

Synonym: squatting

2. exercising by repeatedly assuming a crouching position with the knees bent
strengthens the leg muscles

Synonym: knee bendsquatting

3. a small worthless amount

e.g. you don't know jack

Synonym: jackdoodly-squatdiddly-squatdiddlysquatdiddly-shitdiddlyshitdiddlydiddleyshit


1. sit on one's heels

e.g. In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting
The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm

Synonym: crouchscrunchscrunch uphunkerhunker down

2. occupy (a dwelling) illegally

3. be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide

e.g. The building squatted low


1. having a low center of gravity
built low to the ground

Synonym: underslung

2. short and thick
as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature

e.g. some people seem born to be square and chunky
a dumpy little dumpling of a woman
dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears
a little church with a squat tower
a squatty red smokestack
a stumpy ungainly figure

Synonym: chunkydumpylow-setsquattystumpy

1. 蹲;蹲坐
If you squat, you lower yourself towards the ground, balancing on your feet with your legs bent.


e.g. He squatted, grunting at the pain in his knees...
e.g. We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down...

2. 矮胖的;短粗的
If you describe someone or something as squat, you mean they are short and thick, usually in an unattractive way.

e.g. Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.
e.g. ...squat stone houses.

3. 擅自占用(闲置房屋或土地)
People who squat occupy an unused building or unused land without having a legal right to do so.


e.g. You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property...
e.g. They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping.

4. 被擅自占住的空房
A squat is an empty building that people are living in illegally, without paying any rent or any property tax.

e.g. After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton...
e.g. Thomas now faces eviction from his squat.

1. (深蹲):例如,他可以用杠铃深蹲(Squat)代替在力量训练机器上进行的大小腿伸展(LegPress). 此外,需要的变化或职责要求(例如,当在战场),他就可以变换成双人力量练习或另一种形式的力量训练方式. 然而,也应避免频繁大量的变化,

2. 蹲伏:换能器相对位置变化产生的深度误差 换能器吃水(draught) ① 换能器吃水(draught)变化 船航行时的沉降(settlement) ② 船航行时的沉降(settlement) 船运动时的蹲伏(squat) ③ 船运动时的蹲伏(squat) 当测量船航行时,

3. 船身下沉:Spreader 横撐(集装箱吊具) | Squat 船身下沉 | Statement of facts 事实记录

  • 常用例句

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  • He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely.
  • They've been squatting in an apartment for the past two years.
  • He is a squat man.
  • For this exercise you need to get into a squat.
  • They're living in a damp squat.
  • You don't know squat about beautiful things.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • The roof..gives a very squat aspect to the temple.

    出自:N. Hawthorne
  • He was still squatting in the old tyre factory.

    出自:S. Townsend
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Two shadowy figures, one hunched and squat, the other lean and menacing, both of them Olympic grade lurkers.(两个阴影,其中一个弯腰蹲下了,另一个却是来势凶猛,这两个潜伏者简直是隐蔽行业中的高手、高手、高高手。)
If you're in the desert, you may have no choice but to squat behind a tree or a bush.(如果你在沙漠,除了在树后或灌木丛里蹲下,你可能没有别的选择。)
Like many indigenous Mexicans from Oaxaca, the Vegas are short, squat and dark.(伟加人和很多来自瓦哈卡当地的墨西哥人一样,黑皮肤,矮个子,身板很宽。)
Jump straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.(在蹲起后,尽可能地向上跳,把你的手臂举过头顶。)
All you have to do is squat up and down really fast.(你所要做的就是真正快速地上下蹲坐。)
Rows of squat warehouses roofed in corrugated steel or terra-cotta tile front sewage-choked waterways.(成排的库房用带褶皱的铁皮或者陶瓦做顶,立在早已堵塞的下水道前。)
As another option, squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.(还有另一个选择,通过蹲下而不是跪下来抬起地面上的物品。)
The boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.(船只可能会因其重量在尾部而变得不平衡,可能会在水里“蹲下”而不能正常航行。)
And as they moved from a sit to a squat, subjects were more likely to rate the experience as easier.(当他们由坐姿改为蹲姿时,试验者更有可能认为排便更容易。)
Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.(埃迪是个矮胖的人,四十来岁,头发稀疏。)
squat是什么意思 squat在线翻译 squat什么意思 squat的意思 squat的翻译 squat的解释 squat的发音 squat的同义词