英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:38:29


英 [ˈsti:mbəʊt]

美 [ˈsti:mboʊt]



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  • 汽船
  • 轮船
  • 汽艇


1. a boat propelled by a steam engine

1. (蒸)汽(机)船,汽艇
A steamboat is a boat or ship that has an engine powered by steam.

1. 轮船:在名叫圣峰(Heavenly Ridge)、轮船(Steamboat)和大伊索拉(Isola Grand)常规雪道的前一部分短暂滑行后,快到中午时分时,一旦没有看护者的眷顾,我们就乘机钻入树林.

2. steamboat

2. 汽锅:牛排刀 steak knife | 汽锅 steamboat | 蒸笼 steaming basket


3. 汽艇:steambleeding抽汽 | steamboat汽艇 | steamboilerplant蒸汽锅炉装置

The steamboat ascended the river.(那艘汽船溯河而上。)
Old photographs of the Moscow subway stations, the city of Ufa and a steamboat cruise. All different and all moving.(这些是莫斯科地铁站,乌法城以及汽艇的旧照片。一切都那么不同,一切都令人感动。)
I decided to go to the next village and make_up a story about the steamboat.(我决定去下一个村子,并且编造一个有关这艘汽艇的故事。)
During the holidays, every train and steamboat was crowded.(假期中,每列火车,每条船都挤满了乘客。)
Old photographs of the Moscow subway stations, the city of Ufa and a steamboat cruise.(这些是莫斯科地铁站,乌法城以及汽艇的旧照片。)
It looked like a house at first, but then we realized it was a steamboat.(开始的时候它看上去像一座房子,但后来我们意识到是一只汽船。)
Four steamboat loads of spectators came to view a hanging in New Orleans.(四轮船的观众来新奥尔良观看绞刑。)
They traveled on the steamboat along the coast.(他们坐着小汽船沿着海岸旅行。)
First came the steamboat; although flatboats and keelboats continued to be important until the 1850's steamboats eventually superseded all other craft in the carrying of passengers and freight.(首先是蒸汽船,虽然1850年时蒸汽船最终取代了所有用来运载乘客和货物的船只,随后平底船和龙骨船仍然相当重要。)
Tom went on whitewashing — paid no attention to the steamboat. Ben stared a moment and then said: "Hi-Yi!"(汤姆继续刷栅栏,——不去理睬那只蒸汽轮船,本瞪着眼睛看了一会儿,说。)
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