英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:08:36


英 [ˈstɒkteɪkɪŋ]

美 [ˈstɑ:kteɪkɪŋ]


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  • 清点存货
  • 估量
  • 盘货
  • 存货盘点
  • 估计
  • 评估
  • 反思
  • 总结
  • 森林调查
  • 成绩调查
  • 对未来的考虑
  • 打量



1. making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand

e.g. an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing
they held an inventory every month

Synonym: inventoryinventoryingstock-taking

2. reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook

Synonym: stock-taking

1. 清点存货;存货盘点
Stocktaking is the activity of counting and checking all the goods that a shop or business has.


1. 盘点:同时,Scala还能进行库存评估(Stock Valuation),并在用户营业时也能进行全部库存盘点(Stocktaking)工作. iScala生产制造模组将使您在正确的时间作正确的决定. 您能方便地规划生产、按需求统筹资源、合理配置产品、查明潜在瓶颈,

2. 点:负责SAP系统的PP和MM模快数据维护,同时监督和协调仓库进行库存盘点(Stocktaking)12. 负责指导及监督仓库按工单(Work Order)配送,同时负责看板系统(Kan Ban System)的维护,控制WIP库存水平,保障生产连续性及协助生产线5S现场管理13.

3. 清点:清漆Varnish | 清点Stocktaking | 盘点Stocktaking

4. 存货盘点:stocks and stones 无生命之物 | stocktaking 存货盘点 | stockwhip 鞭子

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Stocktaking Seeing me and my camera, the neighbor felt surprised. May be they thought I was the journalist came to solve problems for them.(《打量》看到我的相机,也许他们在想,可能是记者来解决问题了!)
How can we help your stocktaking problems?(我们如何能够帮助您评估问题?)
Keep well related record about inventory, cost checking, stocktaking for file.(按月整理相关的存货明细、成本核算、盘点等数据记录;)
Next week we shall be closed for stocktaking.(下星期我们暂停营业盘点存货。)
Methods of stocktaking vary according to the kind of stock records in use.(盘点的方法根据使用的库存纪录的种类不同而异。)
A new stocktaking system is currently under trial at the supermarket.(超市正在试用一种新的清点存货系统。)
Researches the application and realization of a new RFID system based on WLAN: RFOW system to the stocktaking in supermarket.(研究一种基于WLAN的新的RFID系统—rfow系统在超市盘货中的应用和实现。)
The recent surge in their client base during a general down-turn of the pub and restaurant market is testament to the stocktaking service provided to their clients.(最近激增的过程中他们的客户群一般向下之交的酒吧和餐馆的市场证明了清查的服务提供给他们的客户。)
Before annual stocktaking, all stock shall be sorted out in order to be convenient for other members of stocktaking team to check.(年终盘点时,应事先将库存货物整理清楚以便于所有参与盘点的人员能够正确识别。)
From the 2007 stocktaking analysis we concluded that there is a good progress regarding all the Bergen priorities.(从2007年的总结分析,我们得出结论认为,有一个很好的进展,所有的卑尔根的优先事项。)
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