英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:22:37


英 [ˌsu:pəˈvi:n]

美 [ˌsu:pərˈvi:n]


形容词: supervenient 名词: supervention 过去式: supervened 过去分词: supervened 现在分词: supervening 第三人称单数: supervenes

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. take place as an additional or unexpected development

1. 接著来,继起,随著发生:superstition 迷信 | supervene 接著来,继起,随著发生 | supervise 监督,管理

2. supervene

2. 接着发生:superuser 超级用户 | supervene 接着发生 | supervention 续发

3. 接着来:接着的follow-up | 接着来supervene | 接榫tenon

4. supervene的解释

4. 继起:supervelocity 超速度 | supervene 继起 | supervene 接着来

  • 经典引文

  • Typhus supervening on a gunshot wound.

    出自:Daily News
  • Next morning a harder mood supervened.

    出自:E. Jones
Early diagnosis may be important because secondary local and systemic infection may supervene and, without timely and appropriate intervention, the disease often leads to sepsis and death.(早期诊断是极重要的,因为次发性局部或系统性之感染,若无即时且适当之治疗,会导致败血症和死亡。)
About half of the patients supervene telangiectasis, and also associated with cerebral infarction and brain abscess.(半数病人可并发遗传性毛细血管扩张症,还可并发脑梗塞和脑脓肿。)
It may supervene with infection.(可能会并发感染。)
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