英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:35:05


英 [ˈtæksɪŋ]

美 [ˈtæksɪŋ]


副词: taxingly

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  • 繁重的
  • 费力的
  • 负担重的
  • 累赘的
  • 艰难的
  • 费劲的
  • 伤脑筋的
  • 使疲劳的
  • 棘手的
  • 难堪的
  • 使人痛苦的
  • 困难的
  • 动词tax的现在分词形式

1. (任务或难题)费力的,费劲的,劳神的
A taxing task or problem is one that requires a lot of mental or physical effort.

e.g. They were comparing notes on each other's progress towards solving that most taxing of all puzzles: the riddle of the human genome...
e.g. It's unlikely that you'll be asked to do anything too taxing.

1. 滑行:迷航的或不明的航空器(STRAYEDORUNIDENTIFIEDAIRCRAFT)迷航的航空器是指远离其计划航迹或报告它已迷航的航空滑行(TAXING)航空器凭借自身动力在机场场面上的活动.

2. 繁重的:taximeter 计程器 | taxing 繁重的 | taxiplane 出租飞机

3. 繁重的/费力的:taxines /紫杉碱/ | taxing /繁重的/费力的/ | taxiplane /出租飞机/

Furthermore, work is now safer and not as taxing on the human body.(此外,现在的工作比较安全,且对人体而言没有那么繁重。)
But when the Irish call, it gets complicated and taxing.(但当爱尔兰人来电话的时候,情况就变得复杂而费力。)
You may have heard of windfall tax. But how about taxing the wind that rises?(也许你听说过“暴利税”,但是听说过“亏本税”吗?)
Yes, even if that means taxing the very rich or borrowing more money to do so.(是的,即使这意味着向富人征税或借更多的钱来这样做。)
Remembering how to decompress and expand each package format can be taxing.(记住如何解压缩和扩展每种包格式将会使人精疲力尽。)
Is there a good rationale for taxing the uninsured?(难道有“向未投保者征税是有益的”的论据吗?)
Brown himself has been a stern critic of taxing financial transactions, and he himself knows that this kind of idea is totally unreliable.(布朗曾严厉的抨击过金融税,而他本人也知道,这种点子是根本靠不住的。)
"I mean, two babies. It's not exactly taxing, is it . . .?" He stopped.(我是说,就两个婴儿,这没什么困难的,是吧?)
In such cases, the simplest solution is to discourage consumption by taxing it.(在这种情况下,最有效的解决方法是通过征税来减少消费。)
Good at spending, bad at taxing, California is indeed not unlike Greece.(开支在行,征税不在行,加州确实没有什么不像希腊。)
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