英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-07 00:27:34



英 [tend]

美 [tɛnd]



过去式: tended 过去分词: tended 现在分词: tending 第三人称单数: tends

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  • 易于,往往会
  • 有助于
  • 照顾,照料,照管,护理,侍候
  • 走向,趋向(于),倾向
  • 【海】照料(缆绳,锚链)以免纠缠
  • 注意,关心
  • 倾向,趋向,目的性
  • vt. & vi. 照料,照顾,伺候 look after; take care of
  • vi. 易于 be liable, apt, or inclined to act or think in a certain way
  • vi. 往,朝向 move or develop one's course in a certain direction


1. manage or run

e.g. tend a store

2. have care of or look after

e.g. She tends to the children

3. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something
be inclined

e.g. She tends to be nervous before her lectures
These dresses run small
He inclined to corpulence

Synonym: be givenleaninclinerun

1. 往往会;经常就
If something tends to happen, it usually happens or it often happens.


e.g. A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy...
e.g. In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger...

2. 倾向于,容易表现出(某种特性)
If you tend towards a particular characteristic, you often display that characteristic.

e.g. Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views.

3. 个人认为;个人觉得
You can say that you tend to think something when you want to give your opinion, but do not want it to seem too forceful or definite.

e.g. I tend to think that members of parliament by and large do a good job.

4. 护理;照料;照看
If you tend someone or something, you do what is necessary to keep them in a good condition or to improve their condition.

e.g. For years he tended her in her painful illness...
e.g. He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.

5. 照顾;照管;伺候
If you tend to someone or something, you pay attention to them and deal with their problems and needs.

e.g. In our culture, girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others...
e.g. She hurried away to pour more coffee and tend to the grill.

1. tend的解释

1. 天得:可利LEGRIS接头、软管、阀门、消音器等一级代理 台湾:金器MINDMAN、新恭SHAKO、兴冶片式蝶阀 亚德客(AIRTAC)意大利:ODE电磁阀、 康茂盛CAMOZZI工业电器: 美国:A-B 低压、变频、软启、PLC等 威格士(VICKERS) 天得(TEND)法国:施耐德(SC

2. 照顾:十月跑北京,十二月下香港,一月回来会考,还要去小学把小时候的DV材料弄出来,小孩还真考虑得蛮周到的. 阿姨以前说以后要是出去了要好好照顾小妹妹,现在怎么看都像是她要照顾(tend)我了,比我早出去,外面又吃得开.

3. tend的翻译

3. 往往:或是与一只年轻的雄(male)狮享用一只羚羊,它们没有必要为了分食猎物而争斗.格森林中狮子捕(hunt)食的动物一般比非洲狮子捕食的动物小,狩猎的群体也往往(tend)比非洲狮子小.从医学(medical)研究(research: investigation,

4. 台湾天得:主要为工业自动化行业提供:变频器,可编程控制器(PLC)、触摸屏(HMI)、变频器...天津鼎辉科技发展有限公司是台湾士林电机(SHIHLIN),台湾威纶触摸屏(WEINVIEW),台湾永宏(FATEK),台湾天得(TEND),台湾瑞升(SUNRISE),

5. tend:tensor deflection; 法与张量弯曲

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    照顾,照管 look after
    tend on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    We should tend on customers warmly.


    Linda has to tend on her master to make a living.


    The old lady has many maids tending upon her.


  • The river here tends eastward.
  • At junction take the road that tends west.
  • Prices are tending upwards.
用作动词 (v.)
  • You got to wait a little while. Then I'll tend to you.

    出自:W. Faulkner
  • The path tends west around small mountains.

    出自:P. Matthiessen
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • tend的基本意思是“加以注意”,多指某种平凡的、无需特殊技艺的日常工作,且需多加以注意,以防范事故与危险,保证正常运转等。指非职业性的照顾、侍候,强调平等性与帮助性。还可表示“倾向”“趋于”。用于人则表示“照料”。
  • tend用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
  • tend用作不及物动词时,后接介词to, towards或动词不定式,表示“倾向于”。
tend to, mind
  • 两者的共同意思是“注意”“留心”。它们之间的区别在于:
  • 1.mind多指有可能会发生意外的事,警告某人要小心。
  • 2.tend to虽有“留心”的意思,但它含有“服侍”的意味。 例如:
  • She tended to her affairs carefully.她细心照料她的事务。
  • She has many maids tending to her.她有这么多的侍女伺候着她。
  • We employed a girl to tend to the children for a few hours each day.我们雇了一个女孩,每天照料孩子们几个小时。
    • ☆ 1350年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的tendre,意为拉伸,团结,报价;最初源自古典拉丁语的tendere,意为目标,拉伸,延长。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.tend

    Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad.

    读者也趋向于分享令人快乐和兴奋的文章, 或者是激发负面情绪的文章, 比如生气或者焦虑, 但是不愿意分享只让他们难过的文章。


    高考真题例句 OG 2.tend

    Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care.

    同样重要的是, 我们倾向于将空气与医疗保健联系起来。


    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Sports cars tend to hold their value well.(跑车往往很能保值。)
    Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours.(很多从事这种工作的人往往工作时间很长。)
    Government reports tend to make dry reading.(政府报告读起来往往枯燥无味。)
    Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.(教师往往模式化地根据学生的某些背景把他们归为某一类学生。)
    Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.(肥胖的人往往比瘦人血压高。)
    When I'm tired, I tend to make mistakes.(我累了就容易出错。)
    Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes.(病毒往往在电脑系统瘫痪时仍然存在。)
    Artistic and intellectual people tend toward left-wing views.(艺术人士和知识分子趋向左翼观点。)
    People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.(人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到他们。)
    Morals tend to be deeply ingrained.(道德观念往往是根深蒂固的。)
    tend是什么意思 tend在线翻译 tend什么意思 tend的意思 tend的翻译 tend的解释 tend的发音 tend的同义词