英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:49:32



英 [ˈθrəʊbæk]

美 [ˈθroʊbæk]



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1. a reappearance of an earlier characteristic

Synonym: atavismreversion

2. an organism that has the characteristics of a more primitive type of that organism

Synonym: atavist

1. 复古;回归
If you say that something is a throwback to a former time, you mean that it is like something that existed a long time ago.


e.g. The hall is a throwback to another era with its old prints and stained-glass.


1. 掷回:throwaway 散单 | throwback 掷回 | thrown 投掷

2. throwback的近义词

2. (逆转摔击):Test Drive(无限狂飙) | Throwback(逆转摔击) | Tidal Wave(海啸)

3. 扔回去:lookbackon...回忆;回顾 | throwback扔回去 | drawback后退

4. 切换:throwawaytool 不重磨刀具 | throwback 切换 | throwcrank 推动曲柄

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The technical term for an evolutionary throwback is an "atavism", from the Latin atavus, meaning forefather.(“进化返祖”的专业术语是“atavism”,源自拉丁语的“atavus”,意为祖先。)
It's a throwback to some earlier way of thinking.(是对早期思维方式的回归。)
Italy's Battle of Oranges is a throwback to the Middle Ages.(意大利的桔子大战可以追溯到中世纪时期。)
He said that his disregard for monogamy wasn't a chauvinistic throwback, but quite the opposite: the ultimate nod to feminism.(他说他对一夫一妻制的不屑并不是一种“大男子主义”方面的倒退;而是恰恰相反:对“女权主义”的终极认可。)
They saw the evil of their own time “not as throwback but preface”.(他们将自己所处时代的邪恶势力视为”序幕,而非过往”。)
The FARC are in some ways a throwback to a past era in Latin America.(FARC从某些角度说是倒退到了拉丁美洲的过去。)
TAKING your hat off at the door may seem like a throwback to a more genteel age.(进门脱帽,这似乎倒退回了那装模作样的年代。)
Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews argued at the time that the whale must be a throwback to a land-living ancestor.(探险家罗伊·查普曼·安德鲁斯当时认为,鲸鱼一定是一种返祖的陆地生物。)
MLB Throwback jerseys Buddha is very angry, thinking: I have a magic to help me, so finally won a Buddha.(佛祖很生气,心想:我有法力可助我一臂之力,就这样佛祖终于赢了一把。)
It's a throwback, and it does not protect women.(是一个大倒退,它不保护妇女的权益。)
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