英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 23:56:49



英 [θʌm]

美 [θʌm]



过去式: thumbed 过去分词: thumbed 现在分词: thumbing 第三人称单数: thumbs

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  • 拇指;拇指部分;拇趾
  • 一拇指的宽度
  • 第一指
  • 【建】馒形饰
  • 键击噪声
  • 指状突
  • 笨手笨脚,笨拙
  • 手指不灵活
  • 翘拇指
  • 拇指向下
  • 动物肢体上类似人类拇指的部分
  • 用拇指翻动,用拇指翻书,以拇指拨弄
  • 笨拙地摆弄,笨手笨脚地做
  • 靠搭便车旅行
  • 迅速翻阅(书页),翻动
  • 用拇指翻脏
  • 反复读
  • 拙劣地弹
  • (在路边)竖起拇指要求搭车,示意请求搭便车
  • 用拇指弹, 用拇指摸, 用拇指捋
  • 嗤之以鼻,蔑视
  • 笨拙处理,拙劣地处理
  • 弄坏,弄脏
  • [C]拇指 the short thick finger at the side of your hand


1. a convex molding having a cross section in the form of a quarter of a circle or of an ellipse

Synonym: ovoloquarter round

2. the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb

3. the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb

Synonym: pollex


1. feel or handle with the fingers

e.g. finger the binding of the book

Synonym: finger

2. travel by getting free rides from motorists

Synonym: hitchhikehitch

3. look through a book or other written material

e.g. He thumbed through the report
She leafed through the volume

Synonym: flickflipriffleleafriff

1. (大)拇指
Your thumb is the short thick part on the side of your hand next to your four fingers.

e.g. She bit the tip of her left thumb, not looking at me.

2. (手套的)拇指部分
The thumb of a glove is the part which a person's thumb fits into.

3. (站在路边,伸出手,拇指向上)请求搭便车,拦车
If you thumb a lift or thumb a ride, you stand by the side of the road holding out your thumb until a driver stops and gives you a lift.


e.g. It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory's description thumbed a ride to Howth...
e.g. Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.

4. see also: well-thumbed

5. 扎眼;碍眼
If you say that someone or something sticks out like a sore thumb or stands out like a sore thumb, you are emphasizing that they are very noticeable, usually because they are unusual or inappropriate.

e.g. Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?...
e.g. In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb.

6. 无所事事;闲着无聊
If you say that someone is twiddling their thumbs, you mean that they do not have anything to do and are waiting for something to happen.


e.g. The prospect of waiting around just twiddling his thumbs was appalling...
e.g. The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.

7. 在…控制下;深受…影响
If you are under someone's thumb, you are under their control, or very heavily influenced by them.

e.g. I cannot tell you what pain I feel when I see how much my mother is under my father's thumb...
e.g. She has Rachel firmly under her thumb.

8. green thumb -> see green
to thumb your nose at someone -> see nose
rule of thumb -> see rule

相关词组:thumb through

1. 大拇指:也可把编组后的对象转变成单一的图象或取消编组设置;Docupal可以提供了Undo和Redo的功能,并且用户能够自行设定保存操作的步骤数;Docupal可以直接把页面以HTML的形式输出;支持中文、英文两种界面;大拇指(Thumb)浏览图形,可观看多种格式的图片;

2. 缩略图:支持根据16/9或4/3显示屏实际分辨率对图片进行缩放或切图处理以适应原图长宽比率,保证显示图像不变形. 支持JPEG缩略图(Thumb)浏览.

3. 姆指:互评 自评 右手运球 以手指(finger)而不是手掌(palm)去控制篮球持球 手指在球的两边分开,姆指(THUMB)指向胸口出球时 双手完全伸直,食指(INDEX FINGER)指向传球目标持球 手指在球的两边分开,姆指(THUMB)指向胸口出球时 双手完全伸直,

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Shopping in the Dime Store-(在低价商店购物)

A:Do you carry black ink?

B:The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir.

A:I've looked, but I didn't see any black ink.

B:Then I'm afraid there's none in stock.

A:Well, I'll settle for blue-black. I'll also take a dozen airmail envelopes.


B:They come in packages of ten or twenty.

A:Give me a package of twenty, then. And where do I find shoelaces?

B:On counter three.

A:Thank you. I never can find my way around this store.

B:I know. It took me three weeks, and I work here.

    笨手笨脚be very clumsy

1. stick out like a sore thumb : 不自在, 处境尴尬;

2. thumb through : 翻查;

3. weigh the thumb : 骗秤头;

  • This glove has a hole in the thumb.
  • The baby sucked its thumb.
  • John always bites the thumbs at Jack's greedy action.
  • The brasses that Louis Quinze might have thumbed.

    出自:H. James
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的uma;最初源自西日耳曼语的thumon-,意为拇指,手套上的拇指指套。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.(芬克尔斯坦小姐将在你的大拇指上包一层敷料。)
Tom Thumb, seeing his father, cried out, "See, father, here I am with the cart, all right and safe!"(大拇指汤姆看见了父亲,立即喊道:“爸爸,你看,我和马车一起来了,平安无事!”)
Some read from old lecture notes and then haltingly explained the thumb-worn last lines.(有些人读着旧的课堂笔记,然后吞吞吐吐地解释着用拇指写的最后几行。)
My TDD rule of thumb is that tests should be moist but not drenched.(我的TDD经验法则是,测试应该是湿润的,但是不要湿透。)
For the underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger.(对于每个手指长度的低估程度,从大拇指到小指依次递增约7%。)
It will hurt people differ to the extent to watch me slam my thumb with a hammer.(不同的人看到我用锤子敲打拇指会感受到不同程度的痛苦。)
Likewise, a sign for OK, forming a circle with our forefinger and thumb, means zero in France and money in Japan.(同样地,用食指和大拇指围成一个圈的表示OK的手势,在法国表示“零”,在日本表示“钱”。)
Time and again, Mr. Heaney returns to the image of the pen. He began his long career writing of such a pen, nestling snug as a gun between finger and thumb.(希尼先生一次又一次回到了“笔”这个意象中。他开始了他漫长的写作生涯,这支笔就像一支枪,舒适地依偎在他的手指和拇指之间。)
A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.(一个很好的经验法则是,雇主要获取利润的话,其中间人必须创造10倍于自己薪水的销售额。)
But they also have a thumb on each foot instead of a big toe.(但它们的每只脚上都有一个拇指,而不是一个大脚趾。)
thumb是什么意思 thumb在线翻译 thumb什么意思 thumb的意思 thumb的翻译 thumb的解释 thumb的发音 thumb的同义词