英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:59:15


英 [trəˈdju:s]

美 [trəˈdu:s]


副词: traducingly 名词: traducement 过去式: traduced 过去分词: traduced 现在分词: traducing 第三人称单数: traduces

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1. speak unfavorably about

e.g. She badmouths her husband everywhere

Synonym: badmouthmaligndrag through the mud

1. 诋毁;中伤;诽谤
If someone has been traduced, unpleasant and untrue things have deliberately been said about them.

e.g. We have been traduced in the press as xenophobic bigots.

1. 中伤:tow#拖 | traduce#中伤 | transact#处理

2. traduce的反义词

2. 诽谤:traditional view 传统观念 | traduce 诽谤 | traducer 诽谤者

3. 中伤,诽谤:swear 诅咒 | traduce 中伤,诽谤 | treachery 阴险,背叛


4. 中傷、誹謗:tradition 傳統、慣例 | traduce 中傷、誹謗 | traffic 交通、運輸業

  • 经典引文

  • This deprecated, defamed, traduced, and disparaged metropolis.

    出自:J. McPhee
We have pride, envy, rivalship, and a thousand motives to depreciate each other - but the male-slanderer must have the cowardice of a woman before he can traduce one.(我们有傲慢、嫉妒、抗争、还有上千个理由去贬低对方,但是男性造谣中伤者在造谣生事前,也必定像女人一样的怯懦。)
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