英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:08:09



英 [ˈtju:bə(r)]

美 [ˈtu:bə(r)]



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1. a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage

1. 块茎(某种植物隆起的地下茎)
A tuber is the swollen underground stem of particular types of plants.


1. 块茎:请问将假鳞茎贴子主题: 请问将假鳞茎(pseudobulb)归为块茎(tuber)的依据是什么? 保存该页为

2. 结节:1.骨面的突起:突然高起的称为突(process),较尖锐的小突起称为棘(spine基底较广的突起称隆起(eminence),粗糙的隆起称粗隆(tuberosity圆形的隆起称结节(tuber)和小结节(tubercle),细长的钥缘称嵴(crest).

3. 块菌属:块菌(Tuber spp.)俗称猪拱菌、隔山撬、无娘藤果,为块菌科(Tuberaceae)块菌属(Tuber) 的一类地下食用真菌,是与植物共生的一类菌根菌,主要寄主植物有板栗、榛子、云南松、华山松等.

4. 制管机:tuber zedoariae 莪苓 | tuber 制管机 | tuberculinum pristinum 旧结核菌素

The basal end of a plant cutting or tuber used in propagation.(踵用于繁殖植物的块茎或其他部分的基部。)
Any of various other underground plant parts, especially an underground stem such as a rhizome, corm, or tuber.(地下茎,根茎,块茎:任何其它植物的地下部分,尤指根茎、球茎或块茎等地下茎。)
Indeed the book, like the tuber it describes, fills a void: the spud now has the biography it deserves.(实际上,这本书就像它所描述的“土蛋蛋”一样,填补了一项空白:现在马铃薯也有了应得的传记。)
This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs.(这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。)
The result showed that the number of potato tuber reduces significantly with the increasing of calcium concentration.(结果表明,随外源钙浓度的升高,马铃薯单株块茎的数量减少。)
In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories.(换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。)
The powerful pungency of this small tuber was such that some of the inhabitants were forced to flee!(这一强大的刺激性小块茎是这样认为的一些居民被迫逃离!)
The dormancy of the potato tuber and the buds on potato tuber may be controlled by different mechanisms.(马铃薯块茎休眠和块茎上芽的休眠可能是两种不同的生理机制所控制。)
By detecting the speed of front roller directly, the software changes the speed of tuber and lifter.(通过直接检测前罗拉输出速度,并由软件实现筒管卷绕速度和龙筋升降速度的改变;)
There is, however, a hyperintense focus in the region of the tuber cinereum.(但是灰结节区域出现局限性高信号。)
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