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更新时间:2024-06-04 00:41:19

tug of war

英 [tʌɡ ɔv wɔ:]

美 [tʌɡ ʌv wɔr]

拔河; 激烈竞争

名词复数: tugsofwar

In RECENT months the poor Palestinians have, not for the first time, found themselves used as the rope in the tug-of-war between the Middle East's "accommodationist" and "rejectionist" governments.(近几个月来,可怜的巴勒斯坦人发现,他们成了中东地区“妥协派”和“强硬派”(拒绝承认以色列)之间拔河比赛的拉绳。这也并非第一次如此了。)
There was no "tug of war" between dye manufacturers and creosote users .(在染料制造商和防腐油的使用者之间没有发生对立的“争夺战”。)
As Europa orbits its planet, however, it flexes due to the gravitational tug-of-war between it, its sister moons, and Jupiter.(然而,当木卫二绕其行星运行时,由于姊妹卫星和木星之间的引力拉锯战,它会弯曲。)
"People have this self-control hubris, this belief they can handle more than they can," says Nordgren, who studies the tug-of-war between willpower and temptation.(“人们具有这种自我控制的傲慢心态,相信自己能够对付许多东西,而实际上是不可能对付的,”,专门研究意志力和诱惑之间拔河般较量的Nordgren说。)
There is always a tug of war inside each of us between nature and nurture.(在我们每个人的内心,天性和后天教育之间永远在相互较量。)
You have to leave, is a deep love imprint, the emotional tug of war, lost time dilute your deep love for me only, not red light is my love for you.(流年已去,留下的却是深深的爱情印痕,这场情感的拉锯战里,逝去的光阴冲淡了你对我的深深眷恋,唯一冲不淡的是我对你的那份情。)
The tug-of-war between Scientologists and anti-Scientologists over Hubbard’s legacy has created two swollen archetypes: the most important person who ever lived and the world’s greatest con man.(笼罩于哈伯德的遗产之上的,是山达基拥护者和反山达基人士之间的拔河,这产生了两个被夸大的典型(原始意象):他要不就是世上曾经出现过的最重要的人物,要不就是全世界最伟大的骗子。)
The 200-meter and 45-ton rope used in the tug-of-war competition has been given a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.(拔河所用绳子长约200米、重约45吨,被载入吉尼斯世界纪录。)
That's when the tug-of-war begins—and if you have the scars of his love on your arms, be very, very grateful.(当较量开始的时候——如果你的手臂上有他的爱的伤疤,你应该非常、非常感激。)
There's a tug of war between resources and the amount of work that needs to be done.(资源和需要完成的工作量之间存在着激烈的竞争。)
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