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更新时间:2024-06-04 00:47:25


英 [ʌnˈkʌmftəbli]

美 [ˌʌnˈkʌmfɚtəblɪ]


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1. in physical discomfort

e.g. she lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted

1. uncomfortably的意思

1. 不舒适地:uncomfortableness 不舒适 | uncomfortably 不舒适地 | uncommercial 非营利的


2. 不舒适地,不安地:absolutely 完全地,绝对地;肯定地 | uncomfortably 不舒适地,不安地 | inhabitant 居民,住户

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She perched uncomfortably on the edge of the table.(她将就坐在桌边上,非常难受。)
Her comment was uncomfortably close to the truth.(她的评论逼近真相,令人局促不安。)
But plenty of the humour comes from situations that are uncomfortably plausible.(但是大量幽默来自那些令人不快却貌似合理的情景。)
He felt uncomfortably hot.(他感到热得难受。)
I became uncomfortably aware that the people at the next table were watching me.(我意识到旁桌的人在看我,感到很不自在。)
He shifted uncomfortably on his feet. In doing so he knocked over Steven's briefcase.(他不自在地变换着站姿。在这过程中,他碰倒了史蒂文的公文包。)
The water was uncomfortably cold.(水冷得让人不舒服。)
The same day the Fed said “inflation could persist for a time” at uncomfortably low levels.(同一天,美联储称通货膨胀率可能会在不恰当的低水平持续一段时间。)
I was feeling uncomfortably hot.(我觉得酷热难当。)
Tonight's knife-edge vote could be uncomfortably close.(今晚的投票难以预料,结果可能会很接近,真令人紧张。)
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