英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:22:06



英 [ˌʌnˈmærid]

美 [ʌnˈmærid]



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  • 未婚的
  • 独身的
  • 单身的
  • 未婚者


1. not married or related to the unmarried state

e.g. unmarried men and women
unmarried life
sex and the single girl
single parenthood
are you married or single?

Synonym: single

1. 未婚的
Someone who is unmarried is not married.


e.g. They refused to rent an apartment to an unmarried couple.

1. 未婚:已婚的长辈(married elder)给未婚(unmarried)的亲戚红包是华人在农历新年的传统(tradition). 我们把红包丢(throw)在树上,希望能得到好(good luck). 我们看很多龙(Dragon)在跳舞.这是很有意思. 我吃很多鲜美的食物.

2. 未婚的,独身的,-俺妈未-俺妈未未婚的:wolf-狼,-饿虎-饿虎扑狼 | unmarried-未婚的,独身的,-俺妈未-俺妈未未婚的 | youth-青春<>青春有时间限制的

3. 未婚的:unmanageable child 难应付的儿童 | unmarried 未婚的 | unmeaning 无意义的

4. unmarried的近义词

4. 未婚的/独身的:uncommon不普通的/罕见的 | unmarried未婚的/独身的 | unknown不知名的/不知道的

Austen is often called the greatest romantic writer, so it is surprising she remained unmarried.(奥斯汀常被称为最伟大的浪漫作家,所以她一直未婚很令人惊讶。)
Right? And there are not for a couple who are unmarried? They're excluded?(对吗,那不是给,未婚夫妇的,他们被排除在外?)
He managed not to make any reference to the law on unmarried couples.(他不会借鉴任何有关未婚者权利的法案。)
I'm here talking to mothers and fathers who have older, unmarried sons.(我正在这里跟那些有未婚的儿子的父母交谈。)
An unmarried Cancer will meet a decent partner by the end of the year.(单身的蟹蟹则会遇到合适的另一半。)
He's teaching unmarried women not to get married and young men not to get married.(他叫未婚的女人不要结婚,年轻男人不要结婚。)
He remained unmarried till forty years old.(他直到四十岁都还没有结婚。)
Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart.(芝加哥大学的琳达·怀特发现,患有心脏病的已婚老年男性的寿命比心脏健康的未婚男性的寿命长将近4年。)
Ok so we got certain ideas, the idea of bachelors the idea of being unmarried.(这样我们就得到了特定的概念,单身汉就是没有结婚的。)
Having a baby in her unmarried state would have brought shame on the family in China, so she probably kept my existence a secret.(在中国,未婚生子会让家庭感到羞耻,所以她很可能对我的存在保密了。)
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