英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:54:41


英 ['wɪndsɜ:f]

美 ['wɪndsɜ:f]


过去式: windsurfed 过去分词: windsurfed 现在分词: windsurfing 第三人称单数: windsurfs

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. ride standing on a surfboard with an attached sail, on water

e.g. You cannot windsurf when the air is completely still

1. windsurf的翻译

1. 风帆冲浪:Diving center 潜水中心 | Windsurf风帆冲浪 | Water skiing 划水运动

2. 风帆:skiing滑冰 | windsurf风帆 | swimming游泳

3. 放假的话,我要:最想去的地方cornwall | 放假的话,我要...windsurf | 我喜欢的食物bread

He is chatty and full of stories about the famous people he taught to windsurf in the old days.(他很饶舌,而且讲得大部份都是往昔他教名人风帆冲浪的种种事迹。)
I learned to windsurf on an activity holiday.(我参加主题活动假期时学会了风帆冲浪。)
Most visitors come to sail or windsurf.(游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。)
Many people teach themselves to windsurf.(很多人自学风板冲浪。)
They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour, and you won't be able to windsurf.(他们半小时收费五十元,你根本冲不起来。)
Sail and windsurf on the blue ocean waters.(蓝蓝的海水上航行,风帆冲浪。)
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