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更新时间:2025-03-10 10:42:53
The Norwegian Barents Secretariat hopes their tower will "serve as a physical symbol of their important role in the High North - a lighthouse of sorts and a beacon of knowledge and development."(挪威巴伦之海秘书处大厦将成为挪威北部一座重要的标志性的建筑——一个照亮挪威科技和开发的灯塔。)
Cod and haddock in the Barents Sea have been found to flee the area when air guns start firing, drastically reducing fish catches for days.(当气体枪开火,巴伦支海洋里的鳕鱼和黑鳕鱼离开了这个区域,数天内大量减少捕鱼数量。)
Russian companies such as Gazprom are already developing fields in the Barents Sea.(俄罗斯公司,如高兹普罗姆公司,已经在巴伦支海开采。)
Russia’s northernmost territory, Franz Josef Land, is an archipelago of 191 islands in the northeastern Barents Sea.(俄罗斯最北部的法兰士约瑟夫地群岛,位于巴伦支海的东北部,并由191个岛屿组成。)
The Finnish CRussian border was agreed at the Treaty of Tartu in 1920, largely following the historic border but adding Petsamo and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland.(1920年,芬兰和俄国边界签订Tartu条约,主要按照史上原有的边界,但是增加了Petsamo和巴伦支海港(BarentsSeaharbour)于芬兰的边界。)
According to the plan, the rocket will be launched from a submarine on August 30 in the Barents Sea.(按照计划,火箭将于8月30日使用潜艇在巴伦支海进行发射。)
Every year, each female king crab gives birth to around 10,000 surviving offspring and there are now 20 million in the Barents Sea alone.(每只雌帝王蟹每年生下约10000只存活的后代,单在巴伦支海目前就有2000万只。)
The enormous Shtokman gas field in the Barents Sea could be an early test of international sentiment.(Barents海巨大的Shtokman气田可能是对国际间感情的一次考验。)
Russia and Norway have agreed a deal to divide up their shares of the Barents Sea.(俄罗斯和挪威就其各自对巴伦支海的份额划分问题达成协议。)
The Norwegian diving platform "Regalia" at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday.(挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。)
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