英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:50:57





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  • [C]创造者 a person who has made or invented a particular thing
  • [C]创作人 a person who has painted or written a work of art or a piece of work
  • [C]造物主 one who makes sth for the first time

1. 创造者;创作者;发明者
The creator of something is the person who made it or invented it.

e.g. ...Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond...
e.g. I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator.

2. 上帝;造物主
God is sometimes referred to as the Creator .

e.g. This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.

1. 建立者:建立者(Creator)无法预期将产生何种物件,并希望其子类别来决定生产何种物件时. 避免生产特别用途(application-specific)的物件与增加程式的弹性.

2. 创建者:当描述一个具体的政务信息资源实体时,创建者(creator)、标题(title)、日期(date)、主题(subject)、资源标识符(identifier)是强制拥有的,其他的元素则可选.


3. 作者:如图1 所示,作者(Creator)创作内容(Content),制作者(Producer)将这些内容组织成文献(Item),这些文献被收集者(Collector)收集到资源集合RSLP 资源集合描述( Collection Descriptions)描述的对象有图书馆、博物理资源集合相关的人或机构(Agent)三个元素区,

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  • 经典引文

1. Some Republicans oppose extending the payroll tax cut, calling it an unproven job creator that will only add to the country's massive debt.

2. The Canadian creator of the famed circus troupe is paying $ 35 million to jet up to the station later this month on a Russian craft.

3. The group is considering whether Sheridan was wrongfully terminated after complaining that she was struck on the set by series creator Marc Cherry.

4. It's common for the project creator on the website to give supporters something in return.

5. We sit high up and observe the scenes below, like the Creator admiring his own work.

6. " The photography competition suggests everyone would be the school's constructor and the school culture's creator, " Wang said.

7. Lenovo can counteract these concerns as a pivotal jobs creator for the US.

8. Torvalds is the creator of the Linux Open Source Operating System used in computers.

9. The creator of the iPod and Mac computer triumphed in six categories including most inspiring brand and the one readers could not live without.

10. Marc has previously praised Taiwanese clothing creator Alexander along with other youngsters in the industry, and explained there is " always room " for new starters in fashion.

1. Youmust accept that you're the creator of your life and that no one iscoming to rescue you.

2. Creator是什么意思

2. I am here to express thanks and gratitude from Creator Source to all Lightworkers who have given of their precious time to provide the needed voices on our behalf, the celestials; without those valiant ones, we would have not been able to provide so much of our assistance to the many for whom our existence is just a mere concept.

3. Lian-sheng, is a great miracle, a miracle of this great creator, that is you!

4. You're the creator of your life and that no one is coming to rescue you.

5. Ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods
a。现成的,(常指廉价的,质量不高的)用旧的,千篇一律的n。现成的衣服,旧东西,二手货 reachn。延伸,范围,河段v。到达,伸出,延伸

6. Creator的解释

6. It is the Creator`s Plan that it should be so and who would dare to suggest otherwise.

7. Creator of such indispensable items as the Super Big Dog Bone!

8. Creator什么意思

8. In the process of literarytranslation, a translator is required to manifest three distinct literary identities, namely:a reader, an interpreter, and a writer (a re-creator of literature).

9. Creator

9. The countless stars in the sky are well-ordered, the sun rises and sets regularly each day… None of these is accidental. There should be an almighty Creator that we cannot deny.

10. Joe Pahl is a marketing consultant and co-creator of the Loan Maker Gold System for Loan Officers.

11. Allowing the creator of the dance to answer them in his own words. Donthe core of the statement.
Don Campbell的话语用粗体字显示,并已缩简在文章的核心处发表。

12. Creator什么意思

12. In the Kantian epoch it still claimed for itself only a relative immanence, for it believed in the existence of a transcendent Creator and admitted the existence of noumena, unknowable, to be sure, but with which we maintain relations.

13. I finally realized: my hair, my skin -- not only are they inherited from my parents, but all that we have comes from the favor of a creator.


14. We know there is only one creator, one universe and one humanity.

15. Creator的翻译

15. You must accept that you're the creator of your life and that no one is coming to rescue you.

16. "At first, the Creator is not from the most primitive life evolved slowly do?

17. Creator在线翻译

17. In fact, Lang is not the creator of the talent conclusion; many people in world share the same belief.

18. Creator的意思

18. You can temporise and you are capable of enormous procrastination, but you cannot depart entirely from your Creator, Who set the limits on your ability to miscreate.

19. It is a basic principle of historical materialism that the masses are the creator of history.

20. Creator

20. I will meet one day the Joy without me that dwells behind the screen of light—and will stand in the overflowing solitude where all things are seen as by their creator.

  • She is the creator of this show.
  • The masses are the true creators of history.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Remember now thy Creatour in the dayes of thy youth.

    出自:Bible (AV): Ecclesiastes
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • creator的基本意思是“创造者,创作者”,指能使某种新东西在实现之前便在头脑中形成并使之成为现实的人。是可数名词。
  • creator首字母大写时指“上帝”。其前须用定冠词the。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
creator, maker, author
  • 这组词都含有使某物产生或使某物存在的人的意思,其区别是:
  • 1.作“创造者,创作者”解时,maker指通过自己的劳动或努力把人、语言或思想当做工具使用,从而使某物产生或存在的人;creator指能使某种新东西在实现之前便在头脑中形成并使之成为现实的人;author则指作者或发起人。例如:
  • He was a dress-maker. 他是个做女装的裁缝。
  • Leonardo da Vinci was the creator of many ideas for inventions. 伦纳德·达·芬奇是很多设计思想的创造者。
  • Are you the author of this scheme? 你是这个方案的起草者吗?
  • 2.作“上帝”解时,Maker强调“人的缔造者”;Creator因其通常能唤起对《创世纪》所呈现的创世宏图的联想,故常用于强调上帝或上帝创造物之伟大时;Author主要用于涉及到生命的馈赠或其附属条件时,特别是用在词组the Author of one's being中。另外,Maker前须用物主代词,而Creator和Author前须用定冠词。例如:
  • He has gone to meet his Maker. 他见上帝去了。
  • God, the Author of our being. 我们生命的创造者,上帝。
  • 相关列句
    Be assured that God, our Creator, has never made a mistake.(放心吧,上帝,我们的造物主,从来没有犯过错。)
    The creator of an item is automatically subscribed to it.(项目的创建者会自动被分配该项目。)
    God says, "you have no right to argue with your Creator."(神说:“你没有权利与你的创造主争论!”)
    He was my creator!(是他创造了我!)
    This world we live in is the dance of the creator.(我们住的这个世界是场创作者的舞蹈。)
    As creatures, we will never be the Creator.(作为受造之物,我们人是永远不会变成神的。)
    Creator: One class that ACTS like the creator.(Creator:如同创造者的类。)
    The cheerful 51-year-old's story does not end with the career-making move of signing J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter's creator.(这位51岁开朗老人的故事并没有因为签下《哈利波特》的创作者J。K。罗琳这一事业上的举动而结束。)
    Remember Your Creator While Young(当趁年轻记念造你的主)
    You are the creator of your life.(每个人都是自己生活的创造者。)
    Creator是什么意思 Creator在线翻译 Creator什么意思 Creator的意思 Creator的翻译 Creator的解释 Creator的发音 Creator的同义词