英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [krʌʃ]

美 [krʌʃ]



形容词: crushable 名词: crusher 过去式: crushed 过去分词: crushed 现在分词: crushing 第三人称单数: crushes

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  • 弄皱
  • 被压碎,被压坏,被碾碎
  • 压坏,压扁,压烂,压倒,压伤
  • 压碎,碾碎,捣碎,弄碎
  • 榨,榨出,挤榨
  • 压垮,摧毁
  • 挤,挤进
  • 使挤入
  • 塞,塞进
  • 扑灭,扼杀
  • 打倒,击溃
  • 挫折
  • 蜂拥而来,向前推进
  • 征服
  • 挤压变形
  • 变皱,起皱
  • 压迫
  • 压碎,压皱,压烂
  • 拥挤的人群
  • 迷恋,热恋
  • 压榨
  • 迷恋的对象
  • 毁坏
  • 镇压
  • 拥挤,极度拥挤
  • 果汁饮料,鲜果汁
  • 粉碎,碾碎
  • 扰嚷的集会
  • 部队
  • 漏斗状围栏
  • vt. & vi. 压碎,压坏 press so that there is breaking or injury
  • vt. 弄皱 cause to become full of creases or irregular folds
  • vi. 挤进,挤入 move into or through
  • vt. 镇压,消灭,击溃 subdue, defeat completely


1. the act of crushing

Synonym: crunchcompaction

2. temporary love of an adolescent

Synonym: puppy lovecalf loveinfatuation

3. a dense crowd of people

Synonym: jampress

4. leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated

Synonym: crushed leather


1. break into small pieces

e.g. The car crushed the toy

2. become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure

e.g. The plastic bottle crushed against the wall

3. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

e.g. Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
We beat the competition
Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

Synonym: beatbeat outshelltrouncevanquish

4. make ineffective

e.g. Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination

Synonym: break down

5. crush or bruise

e.g. jam a toe

Synonym: jam

6. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

e.g. crush an aluminum can
squeeze a lemon

Synonym: squashsquelchmashsqueeze

7. humiliate or depress completely

e.g. She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
The death of her son smashed her

Synonym: smashdemolish

8. come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority

e.g. The government oppresses political activists

Synonym: oppresssuppress

1. 压坏;压碎;挤压变形
To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces.


e.g. Andrew crushed his empty can...
e.g. Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank...

2. (常指通过武力)制服,镇压,彻底击败
To crush a protest or movement, or a group of opponents, means to defeat it completely, usually by force.

e.g. The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.
e.g. ...in his bid to crush the rebels.

...the violent crushing of anti-government demonstrations.

3. 使心烦意乱;使消沉
If you are crushed by something, it upsets you a great deal.

e.g. Listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.

4. 推;压;挤
If you are crushed against someone or something, you are pushed or pressed against them.

e.g. We were at the front, crushed against the stage.

5. 拥挤的人群
A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is difficult to move.

e.g. Franklin and his thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush...
e.g. Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.

6. (对…的)迷恋;(对…的)爱慕
If you have a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them.

e.g. She had a crush on you, you know...
e.g. I'd got over my schoolgirl crush.

1. 压碎:通过CTC揉切机制作茶叶是取压碎(crush)、撕碎(Tear)、揉捻(curl)每个单词第一个字母来命名. 制成的红茶呈细粒状.

2. 碾碎:然后,红茶将被按照两种方法之一进行加工:CTC方法 (碾碎(Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl))或者 传统方法 CTC方法一般用于生产袋茶的低质茶叶并且使用机器加工.


3. [壓縮空間]:<>(StateShift)完整硬盘版[压缩包]_VeryCD电驴下载<>(StateShift)破解版[光盘镜像]_VeryCD电驴下载<>(Anachronox)英文正式版2CD[光盘镜像]_VeryCD电驴下<>(Crush)美版[光盘镜像][P

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  • 经典引文

    压服 make sb or a group obey
    crush into sth

    When the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters crushed into the ground.


    crush sb/sth into sth

    You can't crush twenty people into such a tiny room.


    It's impossible to crush any more football supporters into the ground; it's already full.


    This machine is made to crush the rock into power.


    crush sb into sth

    The conquerors believed in crushing the defeated people into submission, knowing that they could not win their loyalty by the victory.



1. crush out : 榨出, 熄灭;

2. crush up : 粉碎;

  • Glassware crushes easily.
  • Eggs crushes easily.
  • This dress crushes easily.
  • A large crowd crushed past the barrier.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The wrecks of matter, and the crush of worlds.

  • A heavy crush of disaster.

  • Some..cast themselves in the way and are crusht to death.

    出自:T. Herbert
  • A man..crushed a glass like a nut between his hands.

    出自:L. Lee
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • crush的基本意思是“压碎”“压榨”,多指在两个坚硬物体的表面之间挤压,所施加的力量会对原物体的形状与完整造成破坏。其结果可以是永久破坏,其形状也可以弹回原形。引申可指所采取的行动无法反抗,即“压服”“压垮”“消灭”等。
  • crush既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。前者作“挤进”“挤入”解时,常与into, past, through等词连用,后者常可用于被动语态。
crush, mush
  • 这组词的共同含义是“压碎”,其区别是:
  • crush指挤压或碾压成碎片; mush指捣成泥。
    • ☆ 14世纪后期进入英语,直接源自古法语的croisir,意为咬牙切齿。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    I sure do have a crush on her.(我确定我是是迷上她了。)
    I have a crush on her.(我看上她了。)
    I developed a crush on Prince Myshkin.(我迷恋上了梅什金公爵。)
    Ensure that they are clean and place into a fermentation bin. Crush with your clean hands or a sterilized stainless steel/plastic potato masher.(确保它们干净,将它们放进发酵箱里。用你干净的双手或是不锈钢/塑料的捣土豆器弄碎它们。)
    I remember the crush I had on their bus driver.(我还记得我对他们巴士司机的迷恋。)
    If they're being exploited, they've got big armies that can crush them likes grapes if they get in the way.(如果他们正在被剥削,他们有强大的军队,如果他们碍事的话,可以像压葡萄一样压碎他们。)
    I stand on a platform overlooking the crush, next to the slaughterman.(我站在一个平台上俯瞰拥挤的人群,旁边是屠夫。)
    The process of making wine is to crush the root of the tree, soak it in water, and use a cloth to twist the juice.(制作酒的程序是把这个树根碾碎,泡在水里,用布来拧出汁液。)
    She had a crush on you, you know.(你知道吧,她曾暗恋过你。)
    They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press.(他们用沉重的木制压榨机把橄榄压碎。)
    crush是什么意思 crush在线翻译 crush什么意思 crush的意思 crush的翻译 crush的解释 crush的发音 crush的同义词