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更新时间:2025-02-17 15:40:09





  • 网络解释

1. 格林威治大学:本站讯(国际交流培训中心张韵婷)日前,为配合我校与诺丁汉大学(Nottingham)、布鲁赖尔大学(Brunel)、鲁顿大学(Luton)、格林威治大学(Greenwich)等多所大学联合办学项目的顺利开展,保证我校有意赴英深造的学生取得优良的雅思成绩 ,

2. 格林尼治大学:来自格林尼治大学(Greenwich)的廖含文博士,则以自己的学术研究工作经历,把人际关系(network)的重要性叙述得淋漓尽致,使在场同学受益匪浅. 对于给记者印象最深刻的Steve,则用了一部大家都很熟悉的电影<>来鼓励同学们不要轻言放弃,

3. Greenwich的解释

3. 格林威治:更多有关 伦敦 (London) 格林威治(Greenwich) 华丽的建筑、热闹的市集、迷人的旧式酒馆,和充满海洋味道的空气融合在一起,使得格林威治成为游客和伦敦居民最爱去的地方之一.

“Imagine waking up one morning and discovering that Chelsea, then Greenwich Village, have been replaced by malls, ” he said.(MichaelMeyer说“试想哪天早晨醒来发现切尔西(译者注:伦敦西南部一住宅区为艺术家和作家的聚居地),然后是格林尼治村(译者注:指纽约或其他城市的文人、艺术家等的聚居区)被大商场取代了”。)
Greenwich thus became established as the location of the prime meridian of longitude, and the base line for calculating time zones around the world.(由此格林威治不仅作为起初子午线的所在地,也成为全球计算时区的基准线。)
My good friend Shane Markus who often helps me shop for clothes with style is the co-owner of a 30-year old vintage shop in Greenwich Village, New York.(我的好友ShaneMarkus经常帮我推荐时尚的衣服。)
After the 1884 Convention, Greenwich officially became the place where every day, year and century began.(1884年大会以后,格林威治正式成为每一天、每一年及每一世纪开始的地方。)
A couple caught in the snow last winter at the 17th-century Greenwich Naval College, London. To the right, shrouded in mist, is the River Thames.(去年冬天,一对情侣被困在伦敦17世纪格林威治海军学院的雪地里。右侧可以看到笼罩在薄雾中的是泰晤士河。)
When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money.(当明天上午26000多人齐聚格林威治时,只有少数人能够赢得巨额奖金。)
Greenwich Park is the oldest of the Royal Parks and offers spectacular views over the river Thames.(格林威治公园是最古老的皇家公园,而且能在这里欣赏到泰晤士河壮观的景色。)
A year ago AQR, a prominent hedge fund in Greenwich, Connecticut, launched its first mutual fund; six more have since followed, the latest on January 5th.(一年前,康涅狄克州格林威治市出色的对冲基金AQR,首次发行共同基金;最近1月5日,超过六家公司自此跟进。)
Its size and cultural importance are akin to that of New York City's Greenwich Village.(它的规模与重要性类似于纽约的格林威治村。)
A time zone is a geographic location relative to Greenwich, England that is used to calculate the time.(时区是值一个相对于英国格林威治的地理位置,用于计算时间。)
Greenwich是什么意思 Greenwich在线翻译 Greenwich什么意思 Greenwich的意思 Greenwich的翻译 Greenwich的解释 Greenwich的发音 Greenwich的同义词