英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈbəʊnəs]

美 [ˈboʊnəs]


名词复数: bonuses

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 红利,奖金,分红
  • 额外津贴,津贴,特别补助
  • 职业运动员津贴
  • 贿赂
  • 额外给予的东西,额外的好处
  • 额外股息
  • 退职金,退伍金
  • 出征奖金
  • 意外的礼物
  • 奉送品
  • 额外收获,意外收获
  • 额外令人高兴的事情
  • [C]奖金,红利 an additional payment beyond what is usual, necessary, or expected, such as a share of the profits paid to those who work for a business
  • [S]额外令人高兴的事情 anything pleasant in addition to what is expected


1. anything that tends to arouse

e.g. his approval was an added fillip

Synonym: fillip

2. an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output

Synonym: incentive

1. 奖金;津贴
A bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to someone's pay, usually because they have worked very hard.


e.g. Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.
e.g. ...a £15 bonus.

2. 额外的好处;意外收获
A bonus is something good that you get in addition to something else, and which you would not usually expect.

e.g. We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus...
e.g. It's made from natural ingredients, but with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.

3. (保险公司付给投保人的)红利,余利
A bonus is a sum of money that an insurance company pays to its policyholders, for example a percentage of the company's profits.

e.g. These returns will not be enough to meet the payment of annual bonuses to policyholders.

  • 常用例句

  • The staff got a Christmas bonus.
  • We like our new house, and it's a real bonus that my mother lives so near.
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1773年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的bonus,意为好的,好处。
Some businesses sweetened the bonus pot.(有些企业提高了奖金额度。)
She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.(她因自己所作的努力而得到一笔奖金。)
So now you get an extra bonus.(得到一个额外的值。)
The staff were tickled pink when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.(当公司宣布给每个人一大笔奖金时,员工们都眉开眼笑。)
He'll be happy to get a paltry bonus.(他会很高兴地接受一份微薄的奖金。)
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.(多休息,因为休息有双重好处:休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。)
Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.(红利通告每年由总公司发给各地方代理商。)
We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.(我们觉得我们可能得第三名。任何更好的结果都是意外收获。)
The boss crawfished on the Christmas bonus.(老板取消了发圣诞节奖金的许诺。)
Something from nothing—the two-suiter from Chase Manhattan and my own existence, luggage a bonus and life a bonus too.(天上掉下来的馅饼——包括大通曼哈顿银行赠送的提包和我自己的存在,行李是奖品,生命是礼物。)
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