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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:04:56


abbr.日本电器制造者协会标准(=The Standard of Japanese Electrical Manufacture's Association)


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1. The JEM is active on Sudan's borderline with Chad and Libya, which pushed the Sudanese army to increase its border patrols.

2. The Sudanese government had accused the Gaddafi regime of supporting the JEM, providing arms to the rebel group and hosting and training its members.

3. The JEM refuses to join the Darfur peace negotiations hosted by Qatar under the patronage of the African Union and the United Nations.

4. JEM and the SLA launched the rebellion against the previous government in 2003 complaining of official neglect and marginalisation.

5. JEM is the most powerful rebel group, but not the only one.

6. But he added that JEM could not protect them if the government bombed their areas despite an April truce.

7. JEM said it would release some of its Sudanese government detainees as a show of goodwill.

8. " We agreed that JEM shall transform itself into a political party, " he told The Associated Press.

1. Day 04/ Tozeur - El Jem-Sousse-Tunis: This morning you depart to El Jem, known in Roman times as Thysdrus and noted for its amphitheater, which is similar to the coliseum of Rome. The structure is remarkably well preserved with roughly half the structure standing at full height. Steps can be followed to the top.
第四天/托泽尔-伊尔杰姆斗兽场-苏斯-突尼斯:今天上午,您前往萨尔瓦多正义与平等运动,在古罗马时期著名的Thysdrus ,并指出其竞技场,这是类似体育馆的结构,保存完好,大约有一半的结构站在全面的高度。

2. Then Jem joined Karaman exile Kasim Beg, who had been at the court of Uzun Hasan's son Yaqub Beg (r. 1478-90) at Tabriz, for an attack on Konya; this time Jem fled to the Knights at Rhodes.

3. She and Jem find gifts apparently left for them in a knothole of a tree on the Radley property.

4. The next day, Jem and Scout find that the knothole has been filled with cement.

5. On the way home from a pageant, Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout in the darkness.
但是在万圣节的晚上,在从庆典活动回家的路上,Bob Ewell在黑暗中人身攻击了Jem和Scout。

6. Jem的解释

6. A non-stop stint of guitar-infested sounds to songs like Yan Kwon Jem Mo Le(What`s wrong with Rock), W. H. Y., Hua Tian Chorand Xin Tiau probably broke the record in the noise level.

7. The dark side adept Executor Sedriss took Jem hostage in the scuffle, but the actions of Skywalker and the reawakened Jedi Master Ood Bnar saved her.

8. After the 13th day postpartum, the collagen sections reduced its number and its fibers were in a relatively regular arrangement. By the day 25 postpartuna, collagen fiber bunch arranged in a crisscross way, cross striation was clear, and no collagen sections were seenPostpartum ewe; uterus; collagen fibers; ultrastructure
在整个产后期母羊一直给羔羊哺乳。1.2 试验器械及药品子宫内膜活检采样器,透射电镜(JEM 一1200EX),冲洗透射电镜像片的有关器械,超薄切片机,光学显微镜,搅拌机,恒温箱和常用的手术器械等;2.5%戊二醛固定液,0.1%PBS液(pH值7.2),1.0%锇酸,不同浓度的酒精(30%、50%、70%、80%、90%、100%),不同浓度的丙酮30%、50%、70%、80%、90。。。。。。

9. Jem

9. I think you'll be sorry for being so stubborn about Jem.

10. I only mean for Jem's sake.

11. I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do somethin'again.
我没法跟你和 Jem 说什么事情不能再做。

12. Jem

12. I can't see a thing Jem.

13. Or Jem may have told her he was going, by way of blind.

14. Main reagents The reagent kit of P-Selectin in plasma The reagent kit of PAI-1 in serum The drug granules of removing blood stasis and dispelling phlegm 3. Main equipments OLYMPUS light microscope JEM-1200EX transmission electron microscope AO paraffin ultramicrotome BECKMAN 700 fully automatic biochemical equipment 722S spectrophotometer Methods 1. Subjects 24 healthy male New Zealand rabbits weighing 2.0-2.5kg and aging 3-4 months were divided into three groups: 1.1 Negative control group (n=8) The rabbits were fed with normal feed in the negative group and poured 10ml saline twice a day into from the 12th week to 18th week.
主要试剂血浆P选择素试剂盒;血清PAI-1试剂盒;化瘀祛痰颗粒剂; 3 主要仪器 OLYMPUS型光学显微镜 JEM-1200EX型透射电子显微镜 AO石蜡超薄切片机贝克曼700型全自动生化仪分光光度计722S 实验方法 1 动物分组和饲养健康雄性新西兰兔24只,2.0-2.5Kg,月龄3-4个月,随机分为3组①空白组(n=8)普通饲料喂养。

15. It was during this conflict on Ossus that Jem and Luke's eyes first locked. In that brief, silent exchange, they both sensed a deep kinship.

16. She could not bear the idea of deputing to any one the active measures necessary to be taken in order to save Jem.

17. Scout and Jem are forced to bear the slurs against their father and watch with shock and disillusionment as their fellow townspeople convict an obviously innocent man because of his race.

18. Jiamusi Electric Machine C0., Ltd (hereafter referred to as simply JEM) was founded by the founder-member ---Jiamusi Electric Motor Works and other six society corporate, which was set up joint-stock enterprises in June 23, 2000, after JEMLC established, it adopied the business relations of intrinsic current account, intellectual property and external economic work

19. COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF OXYTETRACYCLINE TABLETS BY URANYL ACETATE Methods The ultrathin section, uranyl acetate and citromalic acid lead double stainings and JEM-1200 electron microscope were used.


20. I think the most likely mechanism for providing the spark is electrostatic, said British aeronautical engineer Jem Stansfield.

"You must wait till you are older, Jem, before you go so far away in the evenings," said Mother.(“杰姆,你得再长大些才能在晚上去那么远的地方。”母亲说。)
How old are you, 'asked Jem,' four-and-a-half?(“你多大了?”杰姆问,“四岁半吗?”)
"Lions, then!" shouted Jem.(“那就狮子!”杰姆喊了起来。)
The prepared tissue was cut at 500A and stained with uranyl acetate andlead citrate, and then observed under JEM-100CX transmission electron microscope and photographed.(行500A超薄切片,醋酸铀和枸橼酸铅染色,JEM-100CX透射电子显微镜观察并拍片。)
I think you'll be sorry for being so stubborn about jem.(我想你自会为对杰姆的偏见感到抱歉的。)
In fact, Pearl should make an apology to Jem.(事实上,珍珠应该杰姆道歉。)
Jem served time and never lets Doug forget he owes him big-time for not giving up any names.(杰姆坐过牢,他也因此一直要道格记住:因为没有供出任何人的名字,道格欠他一个大人情。)
'Of course there's something wrong!' Jem exploded.(“当然是出了毛病!”杰姆大发雷霆道。)
She could generate the false and foolish idea, that her father, in his evident anxiety to promote her marriage with Jem.(她竟然生出了种错误和愚蠢的念头,以为父亲急切地要撮合她和杰姆的婚姻。)
A method of target classification based on JEM periodic signature is proposed.(提出了基于JEM周期特征的目标分类方法。)
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