英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dʒɒg]

美 [dʒɑ:g]



名词: jogger 过去式: jogged 过去分词: jogged 现在分词: jogging 第三人称单数: jogs

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  • (使)慢跑, 慢步长跑,慢走,进行慢步长跑锻炼
  • 突然转向
  • 凸出
  • 凹入,凹进
  • 使颠簸
  • 颠簸着移动,(使)颠簸前行
  • 进行
  • 轻撞,轻碰,轻摇,轻击,轻敲,(用肘)轻推
  • 触动(记忆),唤起(记忆),使忆起
  • 磨磨蹭蹭地走
  • 提醒(某人)
  • 缓慢而平稳地进行
  • 给…一点震动
  • 使缓行,(使)蹒跚行进
  • 轻推,轻摇,轻撞,轻碰,轻击
  • 缓行,慢跑,漫步,慢步,缓步,稳步
  • 急转弯,突然的转向
  • (线或面的)凸出(或凹入)部分
  • 暗示,提醒
  • 参差不齐,凹凸不平
  • 颠簸
  • 联合作战图表
  • vt. & vi. (使)慢走,慢跑 (cause to) move slowly and unsteadily
  • vt. 轻敲,轻推 give a slight push or knock with the arm, hand, etc.


1. a slight push or shake

Synonym: nudge

2. a slow pace of running

Synonym: trotlope

3. a sharp change in direction

e.g. there was a jog in the road


1. stimulate to remember

e.g. jog my memory

2. give a slight push to

3. run at a moderately swift pace

Synonym: trotclip

4. run for exercise

e.g. jog along the canal

5. even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing

Synonym: square upeven up

6. continue talking or writing in a desultory manner

e.g. This novel rambles on and jogs

Synonym: ramble onramble

1. (常作为锻炼)慢跑,慢步长跑
If you jog, you run slowly, often as a form of exercise.

e.g. I got up early the next morning to jog...
e.g. He could scarcely jog around the block that first day.

It isn't the walking and jogging that got his weight down.

2. 轻推;轻撞;轻碰
If you jog something, you push or bump it slightly so that it moves.

e.g. Avoid jogging the camera.

3. 唤起…的记忆;提醒
If something or someone jogs your memory, they cause you to suddenly remember something that you had forgotten.

e.g. Police have planned a reconstruction of the crime tomorrow in the hope this will jog the memory of passers-by.


1. 跑:begin)让学生开动脑筋,把这几个词想象成某些生活场景或特定的某次生活经历,在我的启发下,很快有同学编成如下这一段:我跑步(run)去游泳(swim),忘了(forget)带游泳圈,我去商店(shop)去取(get),慢跑(jog)回来,坐下(sit)歇歇,

2. jog的翻译

2. 漫步:[记忆] 形似记忆:家庭(family)成员 → 熟悉的(familiar)[记忆] 形似记忆:青蛙(frog)在雾(fog)里漫步(jog),一只狗(dog)在后面狂追. [记忆] 联想记忆:鲜血(blood)像洪水(flood)一样流淌(bleed)

3. jog:joint operation graphic; 联战图

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    缓慢单调地进行 advance steadily, often in a dull manner
  • The truck jogged up and down.
  • He jogged out to see what was happening.
  • She jogs round the park for half an hour every morning.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The slow, hopeless, leg-weary jog to which..the horses..had long been reduced.

    出自:R. Boldrewood
  • Following a road northward, there are abrupt jogs to the east or west.

    出自:Scientific American
  • Masses of this froth..were jogged clean off the water, and struck the deck.

    出自:W. C. Russell
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • jog作“慢走〔跑〕”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  • jog也可作“轻推”解,指用肘或手臂碰触,以提醒某人。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  • jog引申可指时间慢慢度过或事情稍有进展。
  • jog的过去式、过去分词均为jogged。
jog, nudge, poke, prod
  • 这组词都有“戳”的意思。其区别是:
  • poke主要指用手指、工具或器具去“戳,刺,搅”,在成语中常暗示能起“搅动,干涉”作用的行为; prod常指用有尖端的东西去“刺,戳”,也可引申指有“刺激”作用的行为; nudge特指在不能说话的情况下用臂肘去“轻推”别人以促使其注意,也可仅表示给人以“暗示”; jog指“轻推”某人直到将其唤醒,也可抽象指“唤起”某人的记忆或提醒某人以某事。
    • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的shoggen,意为刺马。
    People jog and bike up and down there.(人们在那儿来来回回地慢跑和骑自行车。)
    The next day, after Al and I went for a jog in Little Rock, we flew to his hometown, Carthage, Tennessee.(第二天,艾尔和我一起在小石城里慢跑了一下,然后我们飞到了他的家乡——田纳西州的迦太基。)
    Not everyone loves to jog or to go to the gym.(不是每个人都喜欢慢跑或去健身房。)
    We plan to go for a jog together.(我们计划一起去慢跑。)
    People can jog around college campuses, around houses, and in parks.(人们可以在大学校园和房子周围以及在公园里慢跑。)
    However much I jog, I was unable to lose weight.(我不管怎么慢跑,就是无法减肥。)
    First milestone: Jog for thirty minutes.(第一个重要事件:慢跑三十分钟。)
    When joggers jog, they don't run the streets.(当慢跑者慢跑时,他们不在街道上跑。)
    I got up early the next morning to jog.(我次日清晨早起去慢跑了。)
    Steven: I used to jog, but I don't anymore.(史蒂文:过去我也慢跑,现在不跑了。)
    jog是什么意思 jog在线翻译 jog什么意思 jog的意思 jog的翻译 jog的解释 jog的发音 jog的同义词