英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:29:53


英 [nɔ:'wi:dʒən]

美 [nɔrˈwidʒən]




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1. 挪威的;挪威人的
Norwegian means belonging or relating to Norway, or to its people, language, or culture.

e.g. The main road from Murmansk to the Norwegian border is still closed to foreigners...
e.g. I stood there breathing in the fresh Norwegian air.

2. 挪威语
Norwegian is the language spoken by people who live in Norway.

e.g. It is interesting that Grainger spoke Norwegian.

1. 挪威语:丹麦语(Danish)和瑞典语(Swedish)、挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)以及法罗语(Faroese),同属日耳曼(Germanic)语系的北方分支. 外籍人士占丹麦总人口的3%,以及哥本哈根人口的8%. 其中4成来自西欧各国,

2. Norwegian的解释

2. 挪威人:生日时挪威人(Norwegian)喜欢在家外挂国旗(national flag). 赶上国家重要人物的生日,大街小巷到处都有国旗装点. 丹麦(Denmark) 如果有的人家门口有国旗飘扬,则标志着这家有人在过生日. 趁着过生日的小孩睡着,礼物会被悄悄地摆在他的床边,


3. 挪威:该犬之头衔有所谓的NORD.CH实际上是瑞典(Swedish).芬兰(Finnish).挪威(Norwegian)三国冠军的缩写.反观台湾拉不拉多犬自认为专家的某些人士大力鼓吹前鬐甲要高.后驱角度要深.背线不能太水平等等观念,

4. 挪威文:- Lithuanian 立陶宛語 | - Norwegian 挪威文 | - Polish 波蘭文

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What has the Norwegian Psychiatric Association been doing?(挪威精神病学协会采取了什么行动?)
The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen.(第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。)
Thor Heyerdahl, the Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer, thought the statues had been created by pre-Inca peoples from Peru.(挪威民族志学者、冒险家托尔·海尔达尔认为,这些雕像是由来自秘鲁的前印加人创造的。)
There was something distinctly Norwegian in folk tales from Norway.(在挪威的民间故事中会有一些鲜明的挪威特色。)
Maria Arredondo ia a very talented norwegian singer.(玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多是挪威很有才华的一位歌手。)
But first let's go over the various types of folk tale and focus specifically on Norwegian folk tales since they illustrate the variety pretty well.(但首先让我们回顾一下不同类型的民间故事,并特别关注挪威民间故事,因为它们很好地说明了这种多样性。)
The official language is Norwegian.(官方语言是挪威语。)
The assets that the Norwegian Government owns is about two-thirds oil and one-third government pension fund assets.(挪威政府所持有的资产中,大概有三分之二的石油和三分之一的政府养老基金。)
Hardly an ideal arrangement in which to lead the Norwegian economy out of recession.(几乎没有一个可行的计划使挪威走出经济衰退。)
That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious, depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets.(该研究调查了近2.8万名挪威的母亲,发现那些更焦虑、抑郁和愤怒的母亲更有可能给孩子吃不健康的食物。)
Norwegian是什么意思 Norwegian在线翻译 Norwegian什么意思 Norwegian的意思 Norwegian的翻译 Norwegian的解释 Norwegian的发音 Norwegian的同义词