英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:50:04
  • 网络解释

1. 普诺:遠古之時,傳說一位巨神從一座高山的湖中心帶來世界的文明,這座傳說中的湖泊位在秘魯的普諾(Puno)市,就是南美最大、全世界最高、又可通航的「的的喀喀湖」的的喀喀湖位于秘鲁和玻利维亚两国之间的科亚奥高原上.

2. Puno的意思

2. 树木:ibon:小鸟 | puno:树木 | halaman:植物

3. 树:sa likod ng: 在......后面 | puno: 树 | bahay: 房子、家

  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. The area was " in chaos " and a thick smell of gunpowder hung in the air, said provincial spokesman Cris Puno.

2. " There were threats on the life of Akbar, " Puno told reporters.

3. " There were children among those wounded, " Puno told AFP.

1. On the southern border of Peru, the town of Puno andsacred Lake Titicaca make for a welcome diversion.
在秘鲁的南部的边界,Puno 镇和神圣的湖 Titicaca 为受欢迎的转换做。

2. Puno

2. He spent time in the Puno, Peru mission and was librarian at the junior seminary in Brookline, Massachusetts.

3. Puno的解释

3. Return to Puno on the fourth day for your flight back to Lima.

4. Puno is at 3, 800m altitude, which is higher than Cusco.
Puno 比 Cusco更高每拔,在3,800米。

5. In Peru La Diablada, or the Devil`s Dance, is played at the carnival of Puno in the south of the country.

6. The Company is established in June 2007, since the establishment of the first day, many addressed to Puno on the go all out in force to become the world's largest provider of commercial exhibits.

7. Puno province would not be rich at the best of times.

8. Puno什么意思

8. From Puno, we travel by boat across Lake Titicaca, stopping on the way at the floating islands of the Uros people.

9. Puno from the West Bank to the south coast of Peru in Bolivia guaqui between regular liner shipping between.


10. Peru tours are numerous, and especially in cities likeCusco, Puno and Arequipa, adding at least one tour to your visit is a commonpractice.
秘鲁游览是许多,并且特别是在城市象 Cusco ,Puno 和 Arequipa ,增加至少一次游览到您的参观是普遍做法。

Puno said arrests would soon take place.(普诺说,逮捕行动将很快进行。)
The decision followed violent protests in the region of Puno to demand the cancellation of all mining and hydroelectric contracts in the country, which left five people dead.(该计划已经形成便遭到银矿所在的普诺省原住居民的强烈反对,要求取消所有的矿产开采和水电合同。事件造成五人死亡。)
In Peru la Diablada, or the Devil's Dance, is played at the carnival of Puno in the south of the country.(在秘鲁,这种名为“恶魔之舞”的舞蹈是在南部的普诺嘉年华中表演。)
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