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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:53:28
  • 网络解释

1. 澳州艾爾卑斯山:澳州艾爾卑斯山 Uluru | 加拿大洛基山脈 Canadian Rockies | 印度泰姬陵 Taj Mahal

2. Uluru在线翻译

2. 澳州艾尔斯岩:印度泰姬陵--Taj Mahal | 澳州艾尔斯岩-Uluru | 秘鲁印加遗址-Machu Picchu - Peru

3. 澳大利亞艾爾斯岩:11 Canadian Rockies-加拿大洛基山脉 | 12 Uluru-澳大利亞艾爾斯岩 | 13 Chichen Itza-墨西哥玛雅古跡


4. 十二:十一、Canadian Rockies | 十二、Uluru | 十三、Chichen Itza - Mexico

  • 临近词

The next day after we arrived at Uluru, we went on a camel ride.(我们到乌奴奴的第二天骑了一次骆驼。)
Kick back on a beach as white as your mother's wedding dress in Western Australia; lose yourself in the labyrinthine laneways of culture-rich Melbourne or be humbled by red desert sunsets over Uluru.(在澳大利亚西部海滩写意地休息,那里纯洁得如同你娘亲的婚纱;迷失在充满文化气息的墨尔本深巷中,或者以谦卑的姿态横过乌鲁鲁巨岩感受红色沙漠的日落。)
Mount Olga has a peak elevation of 1,069 meters (3,507 feet) above sea level, making it 206 meters (676 feet) higher than Uluru.(奥尔加山海拔高度为1069米(3507英尺),比乌鲁鲁岩高206米(676英尺)。)
Visitors to Uluru can do many things at this amazing site.(到乌鲁鲁这块奇妙之地的游客可以从事许多活动。)
Just a little further to the east, we spotted sacred and majestic 'Uluru'.(在向东一点点,我们拍摄到了神圣而又威严的“乌鲁鲁”。)
This photo of Uluru, formerly known as Ayer's Rock, was taken at sunset.(这张乌奴奴(以前称为艾尔斯岩(AyersRock))的照片是在日落时分照的。)
The world "s two largest monoliths are located in Australia, Mount Augustus in Western Australia is the largest and Uluru in central Australia is the second largest."(世界上最大的两块巨石都在澳大利亚,西部MountAugustus是最大的一块,中部的Uluru排名第二。)
Download wallpaper and screensavers featuring Uluru, the Great Barrier Reef, surfing the Gold Coast, the Great Ocean Road, wineries, Sydney Harbour, more.(下载壁纸和特色屏保:乌鲁鲁,大堡礁,黄金海岸冲浪,大洋路,酒厂,悉尼港湾,了解更多。)
There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.(在我们回来的路上,有一袋鼠在我们的车边蹦跳。)
Uluru是什么意思 Uluru在线翻译 Uluru什么意思 Uluru的意思 Uluru的翻译 Uluru的解释 Uluru的发音 Uluru的同义词