英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈju:nɪfaɪ]

美 [ˈjunəˌfaɪ]


形容词: unifiable 名词: unification 过去式: unified 过去分词: unified 现在分词: unifying 第三人称单数: unifies

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  • (使)一元化
  • 统一,合一,划一,(使)成一体
  • 使相同,使一致,成一致
  • (使)联合,联合起来,合并
  • 使...协调一致
  • vt. 统一; (使)合而为一 make (parts) into one (whole)
  • vt. (使)相同,(使)一致 make all the same; make uniform


1. join or combine

e.g. We merged our resources

Synonym: unitemerge

2. become one

e.g. Germany unified officially in 1990
the cells merge

Synonym: unitemerge

3. to bring or combine together or with something else

e.g. resourcefully he mingled music and dance

Synonym: mixminglecommixamalgamate

4. act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief

Synonym: unite

5. bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation

e.g. the Democratic Patry platform united several splinter groups

Synonym: unite

1. (使)成一体;(使)联合;(使)统一
If someone unifies different things or parts, or if the things or parts unify, they are brought together to form one thing.

e.g. A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights...
e.g. He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election...

...a unified German state.
...a unified system of taxation.

1. unify的近义词

1. 统一:以及保护网路浏览器的设定;防止恶意修改包括网站首页、我的最爱以及搜寻出的网页等等组合国际电脑股份有限公司 (CA) 是全球最大的管理软体公司之一,致力於统一 (Unify) 与简化 (Simply) 企业管理IT环境所需的软体和服务,

2. 统合:但这情况也解释了许多事情, 你看, 你们正在与许多必须重复同一周期的实体 一起经历第三次元; 因此即使有许多导师(teach/learners)的协助, 要统合(unify)为一体仍是件困难的事情.

3. 使成一体,统一:travel 旅行 | unify 使成一体,统一 | use 使用,运用

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    (使…)组成为… put (parts) together into (a whole)
    unify sth into sth

    How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?


    They were unified into one nation.


    We must be unified into a united front.


  • The emperor unified the country by the sword.
  • 1
  • Spain was unified in the 16th century.
  • The country was unified only recently.
用作动词 (v.)
  • A unifying note which binds the community together.sssss @{Word}

    出自:Islamic Quarterly
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • unify指将原本分散的同类或不同类的人或事物组合到一起以形成一个整体或密集的实体,即“统一,合而为一”,强调“统一”的结果。引申可指“(使)相同,(使)一致”。
  • unify多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
unify, compact, concentrate, consolidate
  • 这组词都含有“结集一起”的意思。其区别是:
  • compact表示“压紧,束紧”,通常指将许多东西压在一起,形成一个结实的整体; consolidate通常指联合或融合在一起,从而得以“巩固”“加强”; unify表示“统一”,强调由部分构成的统一体,但是各部门仍行使自己的职责,既为自己也为整体的利益服务; concentrate表示“浓缩”“聚拢”,指将许多散开的东西聚集在一个中心的周围。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.unify

    UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recently set April 30 as a day to raise awareness of jazz music, its significance, and its potential as a unifying(联合) voice across cultures.

    联合国教科文组织最近将4月30日定为特殊的节日, 以提高人们对爵士乐、爵士乐的重要性及其作为跨文化统一声音的潜力的认识。


    Service data Objects (SDO) is designed to simplify and unify the way in which applications handle data.(服务数据对象(ServiceDataObjects,SDO)设计用于简化和统一应用程序处理数据的方式。)
    The standard HTTP methods can greatly simplify and unify the design of interfaces.(标准的HTTP方法可以大大简化和统一接口的设计。)
    The new leader hopes to unify the country.(新领袖希望把国家统一起来。)
    What I tried to do is unify information collection, transformation, and mashing up in a unified fashion.(我要做的就是统一信息采集、转换和混合成统一的风格。)
    IBM Rational Software architect — Unify architecture, design, and development with one tool.(IBMRational软件架构——通过一个工具统一建模,设计,开发。)
    Tools like HP IT Management Portfolio can be used to unify the security layers for complete visibility.(可以使用HPITManagementPortfolio等工具统一各个层次的安全性以实现完全的可视性。)
    Also, VSTS 2010 will unify Development and Database into one product.(另外,VSTS2010将会把开发版本和数据版本集成为一个产品。)
    The absurd man multiplies here again what he cannot unify.(这里,荒谬的人因为无法统一再次选择繁衍自我。)
    They are an ideal way to unify contrasting colours and textures.(这是一种搭配对比鲜明的颜色和质感的完美方法。)
    By consolidating the hawks, the new alignment may also unify and perk up the doves in Israel's aviary.(通过巩固鹰派,新的结盟也可能团结和振奋以色列的鸽派。)
    unify是什么意思 unify在线翻译 unify什么意思 unify的意思 unify的翻译 unify的解释 unify的发音 unify的同义词