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英 [ˈæbdəmən]

美 [ˈæbdəmən]


形容词: abdominal 副词: abdominally

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  • 【虫】腹,腹部
  • 下腹,下腹部
  • 肚子
  • [C] 腹,腹部 a main part of the front of the body in animals, between the chest and legs, containing the stomach, bowels and other organs;the end of an insect's body


1. the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis

Synonym: venterstomachbelly

2. the cavity containing the major viscera
in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm

Synonym: abdominal cavity

1. 腹(部)
Your abdomen is the part of your body below your chest where your stomach and intestines are.

e.g. He was suffering from pains in his abdomen.

1. 腹部:三个拐点按照如下方式确定:胸部:胸部(bust)最大周长腰部:腹部(abdomen)最小周长髋部:髋部与臀部(buttocks)最大周长女性体形有四种组合结构(combinatorial structure).

2. 腹,下腹:abdomen腹,下腹 | abide顶住;持续;(古)逗留 | academy学院;专科学校

3. 腹, 腹部:ABDL || Automatic Binary Data Link自动二进制数据传输装置 | abdomen || 腹, 腹部 | abdominal cavity || 腹腔

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • My abdomen hurts.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 常见错误

  • abdomen是专业术语,可指人等高级哺乳动物胸部以下的正面部分,也可指体内横膈膜以下的腹腔或腹腔内的所有器官。abdomen还可指昆虫、甲壳类、蜘蛛类等动物身体的最后一节。
  • abdomen是可数名词。有时可置于另一名词之前作定语。
  • abdomen有两种读音,一种重音在第一音节,另一种重音在第二音节。医务界人士多把重音放在第二音节。
abdomen, belly,gut, stomach
  • 这组词均指人体前胸与腿之间的部分,即“腹,腹部”,其区别是:
  • 1.在非专门用法中,abdomen和stomach常可互换,可指内外腹部,也可指腹腔内部的消化器官。例如:
  • She looked at his protruding abdomen/stomach.她望着他那凸出的腹部。
  • 2.在非专门用法中,belly和gut常可互换,可指肚子的外部,也可指肚子的内部,均为非正式用语。belly更强调身体前部胸腔下圆而突出的部分;gut更强调肚子内的器官。另外,gut常用复数形式。例如:
  • The tramp kicked the dog in the belly.那流浪汉一脚踢在狗的肚子上。
  • The enemy soldier stuck his bayonet into the woman's guts.敌兵用刺刀戳进那女人的肚子。
  • 3.在专门用法中,abdomen指人体内横膈膜以下的体腔,即“腹,腹部”;stomach指消化性囊状器官,即“胃”;而gut在专门用法中意思是“肠”“内脏”。例如:
  • It takes time for the food in the stomach to be digested.消化胃里的食物是需要时间的。
  • Do not break the ink bag and cut the gut off.除去内脏,小心别把墨袋弄破。
  • 4.belly引申可指任何东西的“内部”或“鼓出的部分”;stomach可用于比喻;guts还可指“勇气,决心”。例如:
  • The boat carried much cargo in its belly.船舱里装满了货物。
  • He has no stomach for swimming.他不想去游泳。
  • It takes a lot of guts to do something like that.要做那样的事情需要很大的勇气。
  • 5.abdomen只用作名词;而stomach还可用作动词,意思是“吃得下”“忍受,接受”;belly也可用作动词,意思是“(使)鼓起”“(使)胀起”;gut也可用作动词,意思是“毁坏(建筑物等的)内部”“取出…的内脏”。例如:
  • I can't stomach garlic.我吃不惯大蒜。
  • He wouldn't stomach such an insult.这样的侮辱,他当然受不了。
  • The sail bellied out in the wind.船帆迎风鼓起。
  • The building was gutted by fire.建筑物的内部被大火焚毁。
  • She cut the fish's head off and gutted it.她把鱼头切下并取出了内脏。
  • Anxiety may disarrange the stomach.忧虑会引起胃病。
  • Eating green apples gave the boy a pain in the belly.吃没有熟的苹果使这孩子肚子疼。
  • The boss was fat-bellied.老板大腹便便。
  • I hit him in the stomach.我击中他的肚子。
  • gut在非专门用语中可与belly换用,但
  • The beggar's guts growling with hunger.那乞丐的肚子饿得咕噜咕噜地响。
  • That fellow's got a big gut.那家伙肚子好大。
  • gut用作动词
  • vt. 毁坏(建筑物等的)内部destroy the inside or contents of (a building,room etc.)
  • vt. 取出…的内脏take the guts out of (a fish,etc.)
  • n.(名词)

      不说 one's abdomen is painful off-and-on

      一般说 an off-and-on pain in one's abdomen


      不说 complain that one's abdomen is painful

      一般说 complain of a pain in one's abdomen

    The bag with the spleen inside is pulled up into one of the small, but largest incisions on your abdomen.(然后把袋子从你的腹部的最大的一个洞眼中拽出来。)
    But if a doctor were to put an ultrasound to the mother's abdomen a flickering light would appear.(但如果医生将超声波放在妈妈的腹部,就可以看到闪烁的光线谱跳跃在屏幕上。)
    Ovaries obviously don't have this sensitivity to heat; they're perfectly happy living in the abdomen.(卵巢对高温敏感性不强,所以它的位置在腹腔内。)
    Support your abdomen when you cough.(咳嗽时保护腹部。)
    And how often, andfor how long, must one be depressed to put one's abdomen injeopardy of expansion?(并且需要多久,多严重,才能让一个人因抑郁而陷入腹部扩大的危险中?)
    After all, doctors rely on such differences every time they palpate your abdomen.(毕竟,每次腹部触诊医生依靠的就是这种差异。)
    As you exhale, allow your abdomen to move inwards while keeping your chest and shoulders still.(当你呼气时,让你的腹部回收,同时要保证胸和肩膀不要动。)
    Spiders usually have silk glands under their abdomen.(蜘蛛通常在腹部下有丝腺。)
    Our heroine specifically took two deep ones to the abdomen.(我们的女英雄肚子上被划了两刀。)
    He scratched crosses with his serpent's tooth on Mr. Luna's face, arms, chest, and abdomen.(他用蛇牙在Luna先生的脸上、胳膊上、胸部和腹部划了十字。)
    abdomen是什么意思 abdomen在线翻译 abdomen什么意思 abdomen的意思 abdomen的翻译 abdomen的解释 abdomen的发音 abdomen的同义词