英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 07:07:11



英 [əˈbɒmɪnəbl]

美 [əˈbɑ:mɪnəbl]


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副词: abominably

  • 双解释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 讨厌的,可恶的 very hateful; detestable
  • 令人极为不快的,令人作呕的 unpleasant
  • 低劣的,坏透了的 very bad; deplorable

1. 可恶的;恶劣的;极糟的
Something that is abominable is very unpleasant or bad.

e.g. The President described the killings as an abominable crime...
e.g. English food can be wonderful but the normal English diet is abominable.

Chloe has behaved abominably...
Wallis was often abominably rude.

1. 讨厌的:abolitionist 废除主义者 | abominable 讨厌的 | abominably 可恶地

2. 魔:79.sentient being 有情众生 | 80.abominable 魔 | 89.Bodh Gaya 菩提伽耶

3. 凶猛恶兽:死魂曲 Sairen | 凶猛恶兽 Abominable | 鬼域 Gwai wik

4. 可恶的:abominable 可惡的 | abreast 並肩 | absurd 荒謬

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • Murder is the most abominable crime.
  • What abominable weather!
  • The prisoners are forced to live in abominable conditions.
  • He showed abominable cruelty.
  • That is simply an abominable lie.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Their abominable and beastly touches.

    出自:Measure for Measure,Shakespeare
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • abominable的基本意思是“令人十分讨厌”,以致达到可咒的程度。可表示客观事物是“可恶的,可憎的,可鄙的”,也可表示主观认识上“讨厌的”。口语里表示食物、天气等“低劣的,坏透了的”。
  • abominable在句中可用作定语和表语。可用于比较等级。
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abominable,abhorrent, detestable, hateful
  • 这几个词都含有“可嫌,可憎,可恨”的意思,其区别在于:
  • hateful指能引起憎恨;
  • abhorrent指因粗暴践踏人们的正义感、诚实感而可嫌、可憎、可恨;
  • detestable表示为人所轻蔑;
  • abominable则指令人十分讨厌,以致达到可咒的程度。
  • 例如:
  • The sight of food was hateful to the seasick girl. 那晕船的女孩一看见食物就感到厌恶。
  • The killing of animals for food is abhorrent to some people. 有些人对宰杀动物以供食用感到憎恶。
  • It is detestable to gamble. 赌博很可憎。
  • hateful crime 可憎的罪恶
  • Murder is a hateful thing. 凶杀是一件可憎的事。
  • Anything savouring of Christianity is abominable to him. 一切有基督教气味的东西都是他所痛恶的。
  • He showed abominable cruelty. 他表现出令人憎恨的残忍。
  • That is simply an abominable lie. 这只是一种可恶的谎言罢了。
  • 相关列句
    If it had focused entirely on the Victorian setting and its story, "the Abominable Bride" could easily have been one of the best Sherlock episodes so far.(如果《可恶的新娘》完全在维多利亚时期的设定框架内,那么这恐怕是迄今为止《神探夏洛克》系列中最好的一集。)
    These abominable images made their appearance a few years ago and the perception at that time was they were nothing but childs play and hence not to be taken seriously.(这些几年前的低俗图案使他们的外表和概念在当时显得只是孩子们的游戏,因此没有受到重视。)
    The invention provides an electromagnetic ultrasonic thickness gauge for measuring the thickness of a specimen in a variety of abominable environments and a measurement method thereof.(本发明提供一种可在各种恶劣环境下对试件厚度进行测量的电磁超声测厚仪及其测量方法。)
    The robot, which is approximately the size and shape of an abominable snowman, made a break for it after an engineer accidentally left a gate open at its testing facility, Interfax reports.(据国际文传电讯社报道,这个机器人的大小和外形跟喜马拉雅雪人差不多,当时一名工程师不慎忘记关闭测试设施的门,随后这个机器人便夺门而逃。)
    Then it analyses the wave's movement and technical quota of boat-lifting device at abominable sea state which supply the foundation to the following design of wave-compensation boat-lifting winch.(在此基础上,分析了高海况下波浪的运动情况,以及在高况下波浪补偿救生艇吊放装置应该具有的技术指标,为下一步的波浪补偿起艇绞车的设计提供了依据。)
    If you are a fan of the immensely popular BBC TV series Sherlock, by this time you must have already watched the series' New Year special the Abominable Bride at least once - if not twice or more.(如果你是英国广播公司爆火神剧《神探夏洛克》的粉丝,现在你一定已经刷过它的新年特别版《神探夏洛克:可恶新娘》至少一遍,甚至好几遍。)
    In order to make liquid crystal displays can be reliable at low temperatures, and the other abominable work environments, it needs the reinforcement design of the liquid crystal displays.(为了使液晶显示器可以在低温等恶劣环境下稳定可靠地工作,需要对液晶显示器进行加固设计。)
    Everybody believe it to be odious and abominable because everybody says so: and so the dog, and most deservedly, gets a bad name, but he is not hanged;(每个人都认为它是令人作呕的以及罪大恶极的,因为他们这么说:就像狗一样,其理所当然地应该获得一个恶名,但是其却没有被吊死;)
    It seemed to him that the mysterious words of these men, so strangely hidden behind that wall, and crouching in the snow, could not but bear some relation to Jondrette's abominable projects.(他感到这两个人鬼鬼祟祟地躲在墙背后,蹲在雪里,说了那些半明不白的话,这也许和容德雷特的阴谋诡计不是没有关系的。)
    Afflicted with innumerable fears and anxieties, enveloped in a net of illusions, engrossed in gratification of the senses they glide down into abominable hells.(被无数的恐惧和焦虑折磨着,罩在妄想的网中,全神贯注于感官享受,他们就坠入了可恶的地狱之中。)
    abominable是什么意思 abominable在线翻译 abominable什么意思 abominable的意思 abominable的翻译 abominable的解释 abominable的发音 abominable的同义词