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更新时间:2025-01-27 09:28:31
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1. 土著居民:澳大利亚的土著居民(Aborigines)和新西兰的毛利人(Maori)正在越来越多地得到他们祖先土地的控制权. 现在,在当选的政府官员中,毛利人渐渐增多,他们正在要求收回一处领地的权利,而那里是新西兰油田储备的重要组成部分. 简短的答案就是全球一体化.

2. 土著:数世纪前,澳洲土著(aborigines)发现一种名为centipeda cunninghamii的雏菊类植物;涂抹于肌肤上,可使肌回复青春娇嫩.

3. 阿波里吉尼人:①阿波里吉尼人(Aborigines)是传说中的古意大利部落,和埃涅阿斯有过同盟关系. 法乌努斯被认为是萨图尔努斯之后的这个部落第三代国王. 至于维特里娅女神史料中没有其他证据.


4. 原住民:[太阳报专讯]澳洲昆士兰省(Queensland)西北部沿海区,全是热带雨林重镇,居於当地的人类,都是澳洲原住民(Aborigines),当中Kuku Yalanji就是聚居於昆士兰北部、自古以热带雨林为家的一个部族.

From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.(从世纪之交以后,她就过着和土著人一样的生活。)
Mr Moore said there were particularly great job opportunities for Aborigines who joined in the project.(摩尔称,这一活动能为土著居民提供大量的工作机会。)
Some viewed it as critical of the Aborigines, who pride themselves on living in harmony with nature.(有些人认为这是对原住民的批评,因为他们以与大自然和谐相处为荣。)
Aborigines are actually not one people, but hundreds of different groups, each with its own language.(土著人其实并不是一个民族,而是指数百个不同的族群,每一个族群都有自己的语言。)
In the meantime, though, by ones and twos, some Aborigines have managed to succeed.(同时,尽管三三两两地,一些原著民设法成功。)
I join young white families staring in silence at the chains and shackles, and photographs of grim-faced Aborigines manacled together.(我和年轻的白人家庭一起默默地看着那些沉重的锁链和脚镣,以及被铐在一起,脸色凝重的土著人照片。)
Ever since European first explored Australia, people have been trying to understand the ancient rock drawings and cavings created by the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of the continent.(自从欧洲人首次发现澳洲,人们就在尝试了解由土著居民,即这片大陆的原始居民,创作的古代岩画和雕刻品。)
The Aborigines began to draw ships which they would have seen along the coast—it's hard for us to imagine what they must have thought when these first began to appear.(土著人开始画他们认为会在海边看到的船——我们很难想象当这些船真的出现时他们会怎么想。)
Aborigines danced in a circle.(土著们围成一圈跳着舞。)
Five miles in any direction, except north, the way we came, leads one into the midst of the Aborigines.(除了我们过来的北面方向,往任何方向走上五英里,都有路通向土著人中间。)
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