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更新时间:2025-03-03 07:16:58



英 [ˈækrɪd]

美 [ˈækrɪd]


副词: acridly 名词: acridity

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  • 刺激的
  • 辣的
  • 苦的
  • 刻薄的
  • 辛辣的
  • 讥刺的
  • 刻毒的
  • 刺鼻的
  • 尖刻的
  • 难闻的
  • 腐蚀性的
  • 毒辣的
  • 泼辣的
  • 苦味的
  • “毒辣”俄罗斯研制的一种空对空导弹代号AA-6

1. (气味或味道)辛辣的,苦的,刺激的
An acrid smell or taste is strong and sharp, and usually unpleasant.

e.g. The room filled with the acrid smell of tobacco...
e.g. The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.

1. 尖刻的:acred 多地产 | acrid 尖刻的 | acridine 医药原料

2. acrid的意思

2. 辛辣的刻薄的:acrid 辛辣的刻薄的 | arid 干燥的 | avid 热切的


3. 辛味药:acratia 肌无力 | acrid 辛味药 | acrimony 刺激性

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Write, my bubble tea has been already seen bottom, throat inside, leave dry acrid remaining joss - stick.(写着写者,我的泡沫红茶已经见底了,嗓子里,留下干涩的余香。)
An acrid fog from forest and peat fires has blanketed Moscow, as the Russian capital swelters in a record heat wave.(来自森林的浓雾和泥炭色的火光已经遮盖了莫斯科,就像俄国首都在创记录的闷热中!)
Smoke feels acrid in your mouth and nose.(烟在嘴和鼻子里有辛辣刺激之感。)
Acrid: Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur.(辛辣的:形容一个粗糙或苦的味道又或者是由于过量的硫磺而产生的刺激性气味。)
My father took a sip of the liquor, whose harsh, acrid smell had filled the air the moment Abrahim popped the lid.(亚伯拉罕正在说着,我父亲喝了一小口那瓶烈酒,空气里立刻充满了粗糙刺激的气味。)
He read us an acrid piece he had written for the Evening Standard.(他给我们读了一篇他发表于《旗帜晚报》的尖刻文章。)
Certainly, it brings out the best in the two sharpest characters, both of them slightly acrid.(诚然,这部戏最精彩在于创作了两个棱角分明的人物,两个都有些辛辣尖锐。)
We do not like his acrid temper.(我们不喜欢他刻毒的性情。)
Working amid acrid fumes, miners excavate chunks of sulfur from the base of the caldera of Mount Ijen in East Java.(矿工们冒着刺鼻的烟雾,从东爪哇伊杰恩火山口底部挖取大块的硫磺。)
Sulfur oxides (SOX.) are acrid, corrosive, poisonous gases produced when fuel containing sulfur is burned.(硫氧化物(SOX)是辛辣的腐蚀性的有毒气体,产生于含硫燃料的燃烧。)
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