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英 [ˈækrəbæt]

美 [ˈækrəˌbæt]


形容词: acrobatic 副词: acrobatically

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  • 杂技演员
  • 特技演员,表演特技者,特技表演者
  • 走钢丝的演员
  • 善变者,立场观点善变的人,主张、政见等变化无常的人,见风使舵的人
  • 翻云覆雨者
  • 技巧运动员
  • 训练有素的体操家


1. an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination

1. (尤指马戏团的)杂技演员
An acrobat is an entertainer who performs difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus.

1. 杂技演员:上海杂技虽然也是继承了来历颇深的中国技艺传统,但是把逐渐消失的这一表演重新树立起来是在1994年杂技演员(acrobat)们表演<>取得大举成功之后.

2. 杂技:combat 搏斗 | acrobat 杂技 | ps:北大博雅塔+未明湖=?(一塌糊涂) flicient

3. 高级的杂耍-->杂技:acronym(名字的词根)缩写 | acrobat 高级的杂耍-->杂技 | anonymous没名-->匿名的 tract 拖,拉

4. acrobat的翻译

4. 特技演员:redits 影片字幕 | acrobat 特技演员 | ADR assistant 配音助理

The acrobat balanced himself on the high rope.(杂技演员在高空绳索上保持身体平衡。)
It also fits really nicely into our Acrobat document collaboration strategy.(而且它也非常适合我们的Acrobat文档协作策略。)
As an acrobat, when do you feel best about doing your work?(作为一个杂技演员,你什么时候对你的工作感觉最好?)
The acrobat could bend himself into a hoop.(这个杂技演员可以把身体蜷曲成圆形。)
A pile of China dishes rested precariously on the head of the acrobat.(杂技演员头上危险地顶着一叠瓷碟。)
The acrobat is walking on a cable wire.(演员在表演走钢索。)
Maybe I should just run off and become an acrobat!(也许我该出去当一个杂耍演员!)
One day she wanted to play acrobat.(一天她想玩健身操。)
Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.(在乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会上,长腿模特和一名儿童杂技演员在后台等待。)
The acrobat can turn a bat into a fat cat.(那个杂技演员能把蝙蝠变成肥猫。)
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