英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 09:55:57


英 [əˈdɒpʃn]

美 [əˈdɑ:pʃn]



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1. the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source

e.g. the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent

Synonym: borrowing

2. the act of accepting with approval
favorable reception

e.g. its adoption by society
the proposal found wide acceptance

Synonym: acceptanceacceptationespousal

3. a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood
the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit)

1. adoption的意思

1. 领养:文中从家庭法(FAMILY LAW)中的领养(ADOPTION)再衍生到非法人蛇(HUMAN TRAFICKING)美国好莱坞(HOLLYWOOD)目前就有一位叫ANGIE的大明星就是个例子

2. 收养:儿子的名分(Sonship),神子(Son of God),收养(Adoption)2. 复苏(Vivified),活过来(Made Alive),被点活(Quickened)神藉著收养(Adoption)接纳人作神的儿子,祂实际上也是把他们作成神了(哈那克,卷2:292页). 对爱任纽来说,乃是人成为神,

We argued her into the adoption of the plan.(我们说服他采纳这项计划。)
Gather feedback on adoption.(收集关于采用的回馈。)
What are their plans for future cloud adoption?(他们今后采纳云的计划是什么样的?)
I believe in adoption now.(现在,我相信领养。)
Above all, we intend to campaign for the universal adoption of sustainable and equitable lifestyles.(最重要的是,我们打算为可持续和平等生活方式的普及进行宣传。)
The adoption of the Geneva rules by Beilstein no doubt boosted their success.(贝尔斯坦采纳日内瓦规则无疑助长了他们的成功。)
The word is now English by adoption.(这个词现在已被采纳入英语。)
While chocolate was highly esteemed in Mesoamerica, where it originated, its adoption in Europe was initially slow.(尽管巧克力起源于中美洲,但最初在欧洲的普及速度很慢。)
Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage further innovation in, and adoption of, cleaner energy technologies.(尽管最近在开发可再生燃料方面取得了重要进展,但化石燃料价格较低这一因素可能会阻碍清洁能源技术的进一步创新和应用。)
But adoption of technology in ranching is slow.(但跟踪技术在牧场普及很慢。)
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