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英 [ˌædvənˈteɪdʒəs]

美 [ˌædvænˈtedʒəs, -vən-]


副词: advantageously 名词: advantageousness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • 有利的,有益的,有助的,有好处的
  • 最有利益的
  • 优厚待遇的
  • 很好的
  • 便利的,方便的


1. giving an advantage

e.g. a contract advantageous to our country
socially advantageous to entertain often

2. appropriate for achieving a particular end
implies a lack of concern for fairness

1. 有利的;有助的;有益的
If something is advantageous to you, it is likely to benefit you.

e.g. Free exchange of goods was advantageous to all.
e.g. ...an opportunity to purchase a set of tools at very advantageous prices.

They acquire the land in order to be able to sell it advantageously to the government.

1. advantageous

1. 有利的:advancement 进步 | advantageous 有利的 | adventure 投机买卖

2. 优势:advanceS 发展 前进 03 6 | advantageous 优势 6 | advisablility适当 99

3. advantageous的反义词

3. 有利的,有助的:adore 崇拜;很喜欢 | advantageous 有利的,有助的 | advertise 为...做广告

4. advantageous的解释

4. 有利:优势 superior | 有利 advantageous | 有眼杀无眼 eye kills no eye

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.(自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。)
In this case, an advantageous gene transfer might be preserved.(这样的话,优势基因转移将会得以保留。)
You’re in a very advantageous position.(你处于非常有利的地位。)
If conditions within an organism's environment occasionally or regularly become harsh, it may be advantageous for an organism to have a resistant stage built into the life cycle.(如果有机体环境中的条件偶尔或定期变得苛刻,则对有机体而言,在生命周期中建立抗性阶段可能是有利的。)
Amazon's not in quite such an advantageous position.(但亚马逊的地位并非如此有利。)
That's why many Chinese girls feel it less advantageous to marry Western men.(这就是许多中国女人觉得嫁这种男人不实惠的原因。)
Despite these problems, there are advantageous aspects of HTML for data miners.(尽管存在这些问题,但是HTML在数据挖掘方面仍然具有优势。)
One of the most advantageous and widely used method is the tandem affinity purification.(串联亲和纯化是目前应用最广泛、最具优势的方法之一。)
Free exchange of goods was advantageous to all.(自由商品交易对大家都有利。)
Do you see any specific areas where usage of one is advantageous?(它们在哪些特定领域更有各自的优势呢?)
advantageous是什么意思 advantageous在线翻译 advantageous什么意思 advantageous的意思 advantageous的翻译 advantageous的解释 advantageous的发音 advantageous的同义词